View Full Version : Advice on returning to work

16-08-07, 15:41
Basicly, iv'e been suffering from panic disorder 4 just over 2 months now, and aside from chronic back ache it seems to b reasonably ok to deal with, hence why i signed on for jobseekers and asked a disability employment advisor for some help back into work. 8 weeks on and my 2nd visit to the local office was a waste of time. The D.E.A. in question told me the waiting lists are so long for the programs i would be interested in, that they are on hold and until anything up to 3 months from now. i could have taken a real knock in confidence from that, knowing that the last 8 weeks have been lost waiting on a lil bit of help. But i say #### it, and am going to look for a career in health or social care BY MYSELF. Just wondering if any1 has any advice on explaining to an employer your situation, or just general advice on returning to work after some time. thanks very much:yesyes:

16-08-07, 19:17
Hey Km.

Firstly, well done you, for your determination to get back to work, and for being brave enough to ask for help.

I took a year out before I could go back, and I know it is very hard. I never told people why I had actually been off. This was probably not a good idea, and I think you are right to be honest with them. Employers have a legal obligation not to discriminate, and they should all have an 'Equal Opportunities Policy'. So be upfront with them. You don't need to tell them at interview if you don't want to.

I don't know about Social Care, but certainly in Healthcare, they will want you to go through Occupational Health before you start work. These are the people to tell. As long as you are getting the help you need and/or are reasonably 'stable', there shouldn't be a problem. It is also confidential and they should not tell your manager anything without your consent.

General advice for going back? Be kind to yourself. Set yourself small and realistic goals, and treat yourself when you have achieved them.

I think it is also very important to keep yourself in good health generally when you go back - make sure you eat well, get plenty of sleep and allow yourself time for relaxation and things that you enjoy.

Best of luck and keep at it :yesyes: xx

21-08-07, 20:47
I am concerned about work myself. I lost my job in March but had got another one lined up. But due to non arrival of police check I still haven't started. Now with these panic attacks I'm concerned about whether I will be able to do the job as there is a fair bit of driving involved and most of my panic attacks revolve around the car.
I'm on JSA at moment and the DEA won't do anything for me because I have a firm job offer pending police check. I have been looking for alternative employment since June as I am beginning to think the police check will never arrive. I'm also continuing to use the car, planning my journey to avoid traffic lights as that seems to be my mine trigger.