View Full Version : part of essential tremor?

26-08-18, 15:49
when i slowly bend fingers they shake, when i bend to pick up something i feel slighlty shakes in my abdomen or in knees, when i smile my cheek tremble, actually i can see small tremors in almost whole body if i use that muscle... and it's much more visible when i'm tired, when i'm anxious or when i exercise.

is that normal part of ET? i mean, almost whole body? i'm anxious so i guess it makes my symptoms even worse. :unsure:

besides that i don't have any problems or tremor in rest (i need to use muscle to feel it) and even these small mild tremors doesn't affect my life, mostly i don't care about it but sometimes make me wonder if they're normal part of it.

i never been to doctor to diagnose me with ET but i'm pretty much sure it's ET because my father has it as well and alcohol completely make my tremors to dissapear.

04-09-18, 03:03
My muscles will tremor too. Especially when moving slowly. Sometimes my lower lip trembles. Sometimes its my thumb or lower back muscles. Sometimes it's when I scrunch my nose. I think these are more or less within the normal range, and made worse by anxiety and tiredness. Don't worry about it too much. I've had these symptoms for about a year now and can still elicit them. They still bother me and create anxiety in me, but I think it's just that we pay too much attention to our bodies and HA sufferers. Feel free to PM me if you need someone to talk to.

07-09-18, 22:07
I have all of the above too. I do get concerned when lifting weights or after lifting weights. It doesn’t seem normal how much I tremble m, shake or how much the tremor worsens m.

07-09-18, 22:37
for example, my tremor in whole body dissapear after one beer :D that suggest that it's ET, at least I can be sure and relaxed about that because i was stressed that i have serious illnes.

i read on other forum that people with ET shake when they exercise so it's not worrysome, it's all part of it.

people with BFS as well.

07-09-18, 23:15
for example, my tremor in whole body dissapear after one beer :D that suggest that it's ET, at least I can be sure and relaxed about that because i was stressed that i have serious illnes.

i read on other forum that people with ET shake when they exercise so it's not worrysome, it's all part of it.

people with BFS as well.

I know what you mean. Mine come an go as well. Never at rest. I think as HA sufferers, we look for things we might not bother others. Also, that can be made better by relaxing, and made worse by anxiety tells me it's just tonic nervous system hyperstimulation. I'm not sure you can call that an essential tremor if it doesn't happen at rest. We probably all have some degree of tremor, and you will notice this get worse with anxiety. ET and non-ET tremors will get worse with anxiety.

I think the fact the we tend to all have pretty high anxiety, and then we start to notice all these thing tells us the cause: anxiety.

07-09-18, 23:48
well i believe it's bfs or et or both, they can show in every form.

but i wouldn't be surprised if it's all about stress and anxiety, basically all my symptoms starts 3-4 years ago, exactly when i became psychically bad and when i develope serious anxiety, i even remember that summer when anxiety just hit me like bever before.

i should cheek thyroid as well.