View Full Version : Red fibre-like things in semen/urine - could it be blood?

26-08-18, 18:22
Hello there, I'm 22/M.

First of all, I want to say that I've already set up an appointment with an urologist to deal with this matter, but I'm still seeking reassurance and opinions as I suffer from health anxiety and I need to wait 10 days to actually go to the appointment.

Last Monday I experienced a semen discoloration in my semen (traces of pink) after masturbating rather excessively. I also noticed one fiber-like red thing in my semen that looked like very small vessel.

I masturbated about 30 minutes later (and like 5 times the day after) and the discoloration was gone along with the fiber thing. Clean white semen. I assumed it was from rupturing some vessel or whatever because it resolved really quickly.

After couple of days I noticed the red fiber-like thing again, but with absolutely normal looking white semen.

I can see it on a toilet paper almost every time I masturbate and sometimes after urinating too. It's always one very small and very thin red fiber or a very small dot, almost not visible to the naked eye. It's very bright red. The semen still looks white and normal + urine is clear or yellow.

I seem to be urinating more frequently for the past few days too.

Could it be blood? Have any of you experienced something like this? I've been told by a nurse that blood in semen is relatively common issue and it's rarely associated with anything scary and usually resolves on its of after couple of days.

Other symptoms:
I've had lower abdominal pain on the left side for months now - checked by ultrasound to rule out inguinal hernia - all clear, they didn't find anything.

I also have enlarged veins (varicocele) on the left side of my testicle. My epididymis also kind of hurts when squeezed slightly (I guess after too much masturbation, because it goes away when I give it a break).

My testicles are same size without any bumps, lumps or anything else. I recently had blood test with perfect results (all within norms) and my urine test was negative too (whatever that means).

Thank you!

EDIT1: Forgot to mention that I probably wouldn't notice anything wrong with me, if I wasn't neurotically checking my semen and urine for any trace of blood under heavy phone camera light)

EDIT2: I feel stupid but I was wearing red clothes/pyjamas during the time I used to find those red things in my semen and urine. I stopped wearing them and it seems to be gone. I tried wearing blue pyjamas and guess what .... there seems to be couple of blueish threads in my semen now.... Like, so small that no one would ever notice them if they didn't look with magnifying glass. I'm still getting checked out by an urologist but my anxiety is gone at last.

EDIT 2019: No one's gonna read this but anyway... This was back in 2018... I went to a doctor and guess what, I was finally diagnosed with varicocele that causes my pain and discomfort, he obviously dismissed the fiber things and apparently, blood in semen after heavy sex is not unheard of. Gotta get a surgery for the varicocele and all should be fine. Seriously, go to a f'n doctor if you experience any symptoms and it's better to ask than suffer in silence and insecurity.