View Full Version : Do You Feel Angry?

16-08-07, 17:38
Some words i'd use to discribe myself on a day to day basis would be angry,bitter,frustrated,twisted, It seems to come part and parcel with generalised anxiety, I was wondering if anyone else can relate? Every day I'm just like a time bomb waiting to go off, I just feel constantly angry.

This is a typical day for me:

Get up, tired angry and pi$$ed off. Don't want to go to work, Walk around the house in a mood, in such a mood I don't even talk to any of my family.

Then its off to the bus, your standing waiting and this drop dead gorgeous 20 something blonde gets dropped of by her short fat bald husband and this anger me even more. Then you arrive at work where you are the lowest paid as you also have social anxiety and don't lick the bosses behind, you also don't get on with your work collegues due to your social anxiety so your left dinning by yourself at lunch etc.

Then its back home on the bus with the same gorgeous blonde, you arrive home with a short fuse and one of you kids sets you off, you totally over react maybe throw a plate,remote or anything within reaching distance, then its on to the computer to have a moan and feel sorry for youself.

Can you relate:blush:

16-08-07, 18:33
Hi Sam :D

When I was acute I got angry, but mosly with myself.

When you feel tired, ill, fed up and held back by your condition you are bound to feel angry. One of the main causes of true anger is actually sadness. Think back to a situation that has made you feel anger, if you dissect that event you might find that the true reason for feeling so angry was a feeling of sadness. Aggression is a normal reaction to fear also, the fight or flight response prepares us to either run or fight, sometimes to fight may seem to be the best response.

This comment says, one of the main causes of true anger is sadness, these days, if I feel anger I do dissect it and there is always a reason and yes, I am sad because, mmmm depends this could be one of many things for me, saddness that the kids are not done what I have asked them to do, my mum thinks she may have breast cancer, ohhh again,:lac: :lac: :weep: so I get angry and take it out on the kids, but really, its saddness about my mum.

Sadness becasue last year, I had major probs with my relationship, so when I get sad now and angry at him, its becuase he has not done, what I have asked of him. No matter what my anger is now, I do try and talk things through with someone to help take my sadness away, someone, (which is my sister) help to calm me down, this takes the anger away.

Sooo ask yourself, why am I angry, just what is it that I am sooo sad about, this can be hard to find or is this aggresstion because of my anxiety, I feel sad, I can'd do this know more, If yes to this one, you have to find all positoves within you, self talk helps with this, I can get better, I have read all the success stories, they have gotton better and so can I.

I myself still get days when the world Pi**e* me off, I feel sad and angry and I know dame well what I'm angry at, MYSELF. Becasue I am finding it dame hard to change a habbit of a lifetime. I am a recovering negative thinker, Give me a big problem to deal with and ohh boy, I'm fine, but give me alot of little one's and my negativitay goes all over the place. I think morbid things, but I am slowly laerning to change things, ohhh but I know its going to take alot of time.

Ohhh I'm woffling hear, bet none of this has made any sense LOL :wacko:

Hope this helped a little, even if its just knowing you are not alone.

You take care