View Full Version : Scared I have cancer of the Oesophagus

Nighttime pacer
26-08-18, 23:04
Hi all,
Recently I've had a bit of a sore throat and a sort of slight lump in the throat feeling. I can't stop thinking that I have cancer of the oesophagus. I've been on a low dose of omeprazole 20mg now usually 10mg for nearly 10 years.
I saw my gastroenterologist in January and I asked whether I should have an endoscopy to check my oesophagus and stomach. He knows I'm a worrier and said as it's 5 years since your last one it wouldn't do any harm just to put your mind at rest. Unfortunately I haven't had any appointment come through on the NHS so I'd have to pay and have it done privately.
I didn't have the sore throat when I last saw him.
I just feel like now I have to have a drink of something after a meal to wash it down properly or it feels like there's still a small amount at the back of my mouth or something. I realise I'm probably imagining it.
I also assume that it's rare for someone to get cancer of the oesophagus at 44.
I've got an appointment with an ENT to look at my throat on Tuesday.
I think I'll go back to the gastroenterologist and pay for an endoscopy. The problem is I go on holiday on my own for 2 weeks in a week and this health anxiety is making me think I shouldn't go.
Has anyone got any thoughts?
Nighttime Pacer

26-08-18, 23:22
Hi all,
Recently I've had a bit of a sore throat and a sort of slight lump in the throat feeling. I can't stop thinking that I have cancer of the oesophagus. I've been on a low dose of omeprazole 20mg now usually 10mg for nearly 10 years.
I saw my gastroenterologist in January and I asked whether I should have an endoscopy to check my oesophagus and stomach. He knows I'm a worrier and said as it's 5 years since your last one it wouldn't do any harm just to put your mind at rest. Unfortunately I haven't had any appointment come through on the NHS so I'd have to pay and have it done privately.
I didn't have the sore throat when I last saw him.
I just feel like now I have to have a drink of something after a meal to wash it down properly or it feels like there's still a small amount at the back of my mouth or something. I realise I'm probably imagining it.
I also assume that it's rare for someone to get cancer of the oesophagus at 44.
I've got an appointment with an ENT to look at my throat on Tuesday.
I think I'll go back to the gastroenterologist and pay for an endoscopy. The problem is I go on holiday on my own for 2 weeks in a week and this health anxiety is making me think I shouldn't go.
Has anyone got any thoughts?
Nighttime Pacer

Before you spend your money consider treating acid reflux, which is, along with HA, the probable cause of your discomfort...

Nighttime pacer
26-08-18, 23:33
Hi Andrash,
Thanks for replying but I'm already taking omeprazole for acid reflux.
I'm just scared it isn't working as I've never had these kind of symptoms before.
The Specialist did say the last time I saw him though that he doubted anything was wrong and that the test would put my mind at ease and that then I could just forget about it.
I wish with health anxiety things were that easy!

27-08-18, 18:48
Hi all,
Recently I've had a bit of a sore throat and a sort of slight lump in the throat feeling. I can't stop thinking that I have cancer of the oesophagus. I've been on a low dose of omeprazole 20mg now usually 10mg for nearly 10 years.
I saw my gastroenterologist in January and I asked whether I should have an endoscopy to check my oesophagus and stomach. He knows I'm a worrier and said as it's 5 years since your last one it wouldn't do any harm just to put your mind at rest. Unfortunately I haven't had any appointment come through on the NHS so I'd have to pay and have it done privately.
I didn't have the sore throat when I last saw him.
I just feel like now I have to have a drink of something after a meal to wash it down properly or it feels like there's still a small amount at the back of my mouth or something. I realise I'm probably imagining it.
I also assume that it's rare for someone to get cancer of the oesophagus at 44.
I've got an appointment with an ENT to look at my throat on Tuesday.
I think I'll go back to the gastroenterologist and pay for an endoscopy. The problem is I go on holiday on my own for 2 weeks in a week and this health anxiety is making me think I shouldn't go.
Has anyone got any thoughts?
Nighttime Pacer

I just had an upper endoscopy for excessive belching a month ago...findings were non-erosive, mild GERD. Since then, belching has diminished significantly and now I have the lump in throat feeling. For a while, after the scope, I felt fine except started getting headaches...For me, I know its probably 80% anxiety, maybe 20% mild reflux...but I blow it out of proportion.

27-08-18, 18:59
As a fellow sufferer, I diagnose hyper vigilance. Was your last endoscopy for similar symptoms? I’ve also had two (endoscopies) for similar symptoms. It’s amazing what sensations you can notice if you pay attention....