View Full Version : Freaking out about oral cancer

27-08-18, 00:24
I have a bump right above a tooth on the right side of my mouth. The tooth is broken and has been for a year. The bump/lump just came up last week.

It hurts when I press on it. But, it does not move. It also turns white when I press it.

I am also freaking out over my lymph nodes on that side. My neck has felt asymmetrical to me since February. Like it's puffy. But, I have been to the doctor twice (two different doctors) and they said they cannot feel anything.

I have a dentist appointment tomorrow and I'm flipping out worse than normal. I am crying, I cannot breathe and I have so many pins and needles on my body that it feels like I am being hugged by a porcupine.

For the record. I am a 31 year old female. A smoker for 10 years...about a pack a day. And, I drink vodka occasionally. Anywhere from every few months to a year without drinking.

Someone please tell me what could be going on? I know I have health anxiety. But, I don't know what to do. I am so scared.

27-08-18, 00:30
The dentist will be able to look and reassure you so let us know how it goes.

27-08-18, 03:54
Sounds like the broken tooth absessed. Probably should have gone to the dentist when it broke. Hopefully you'll just need a root canal and your don't loose the tooth.
Good luck tomorrow.

27-08-18, 04:23
Sounds like the broken tooth absessed. Probably should have gone to the dentist when it broke. Hopefully you'll just need a root canal and your don't loose the tooth.
Good luck tomorrow.

I probably should have. I just had a lot going on in my life at that time. And, since it didn't hurt. I didn't bother. Stupid me.

My insurance doesn't pay for root canals. So, they will pull it. Luckily it's not where it can be seen.

It hurts so bad right now because I cannot quit poking at that lump and worrying about it. My HA goes crazy and I cannot leave something alone. It's like I go in a trance and think about nothing else.

27-08-18, 04:38
Have you ever looked into care source? It's not insurance but it's a very affordable payment plan for situations like this. It would be a shame to lose your tooth.

---------- Post added at 23:38 ---------- Previous post was at 23:35 ----------

....and please leave it alone, you don't want to aggravate the infected area more then it is.

27-08-18, 07:20
I cannot get it fixed. I checked my Medicaid and it'll only cover extractions. I am flat broke.

The only financial help I get is from my mom and she is on Social Security due to her age.

I have had chronic depression and OCD for years and cannot work. I had a job last year and only lasted a few days and had a breakdown on the job and started crying in front of everyone. Got fired.

If this is something seriously wrong. I cannot afford what I need. My insurance covers cleaning, one set of x rays a year, and extractions. That's it.

I am so scared. I might be falling asleep at the dentist's tomorrow because I cannot sleep. I am crying again. And, just want to skip it.

27-08-18, 12:30
Please go to your dentist appointment, it sounds very much like an absess and you'll need antibiotics. It's really not something to ignore. You're going to be ok but this is something you have got to do.

27-08-18, 13:00
As others are saying, see your dentist. As an Head and Neck cancer survivor, what you describe is not OC.

That being said, a couple of more thoughts. QUIT SMOKING! To smoke and fear OC just doesn't make sense and based on a modest $5 a pack, you'd save around $150 a month. That much alone could cover your internet and cell bill or supplemental dental or medical insurance :winks:

Positive thoughts

27-08-18, 17:32
I am gonna quit smoking for sure.

I'm tired of all this worry. I am on the verge of puking right now. My appointment is at 1:45EST. About to leave the house. Freaking out. I cannot breathe or swallow and that is making my anxiety even worse.

27-08-18, 18:14
You're going to be ok.

I didn't mention OC because that is the furthest thing from my mind.

Let us know how your apt went, o think you'll feel much better when you get home.

27-08-18, 22:35
It went fine. I don't have cancer. Only thing is I don't have the money for a root canal in the time span that they want me to get it done. So, I'll have to get it pulled.

They put me on Clendamycin though. Ugh. I've never taken it before and it scares me. Those side effects aren't pretty.

27-08-18, 23:30
Not sure what choice you have but to take the antibiotic. That infection is not going to go away on its own.
Glad you went today :-)

28-08-18, 01:50
I tried one of them about 3 hours ago. Managed to keep down and in dinner so far. You can get an extremely upset stomach from that drug. Along with many more side effects that are much worse.

If it starts giving me hell. There is another antibiotic I can go on that is not in the group of medicine (cillins) that I am allergic to that doesn't have all those side effects.

28-08-18, 02:02
The "cillins" make my stomach sick unless I make sure to eat with them.
How is the other an option if you're allergic to it?

28-08-18, 05:18
I'm not allergic to it. Just the "cillen" antibiotics. I just phrased that wrong. I've had zero sleep. Can't have any till around 6:30 either as my last round of pills for the night is then.

Also. The dentist ticked me off/made me even more worried by wanting to extract my wisdom teeth on the top. Which, really don't need to go. I'm over the age where it's considered safe (I'm 31 and it's not as dangerous for those 12-25) and I have never been under General Anesthesia before and I am scared over that now. All the what if's there.

I just want and need him to pull that infected tooth. Hopefully he'll do that first and then I can tell him to shove it.

28-08-18, 12:22
"Over the age it's safe" ??? Where did you get that from?
If your wisdom teeth are impacted they need to come out. You don't have to be put under general, not even sure they recommend that anymore. You can have novocaine and nitrous oxide.

28-08-18, 12:32
"Over the age it's safe" ??? Where did you get that from? .

I think I can take an educated guess :winks:

I had mine out (top and bottom) in my 40's with just shots... no general anesthesia.

Positive thoughts