View Full Version : worried stiff about tests

16-08-07, 19:21
Just when I start to feel normal ..... I mentioned in another post that I had seen a neurologist about muscle twitches - that was last week. He wasn't worried about the intermittent twitches - great, that was reassuring. Then he did some reflex tests. On doing a test on my left foot, my ankle and foot took on a life of their own, juddering uncontrollably - sooo weird. He said it needed investigating, but was probably nerve irritation and he would arrange an MRI scan on my neck/spine to check it out. Bit worrying, but ok.
Today, only a few days later, I had a letter saying I was to have nerve and muscle tests on Sep 5th - hadn't expected that one. Phoned the hospital to try to rearrange the date so my husband could come with me, and was told during the conversation that the doctor I was to see had me marked as 'urgent' in her appointment book. Now I am terrified and worried sick. What happened to the reassuring comments by the neurologist?? How can I believe that it may only be 'nerve irritation' when I am apparently an urgent case?? Don't get me wrong, I'm so glad it's being checked out - but the speed of it! I really am so scared now. :weep:

17-08-07, 00:31
Hi Rose, :hugs:

I know your are scared, but please, please try not to worry, I know this is dame hard for you right now. :hugs:

Look at it this way, your neurologist put it as "urgent' beause he feels that you need peace of mind, he could see how worried you where, so he rushed the oppoinment up for you.

The hardest thing with anxiety is, looking at things in a more positive way, Mrs anxiety is always there, giving you her negative's.

Sending you :hugs: please let us know how you get on.

You take care


17-08-07, 04:52
Hi Rose,

The good thing is at least you are fast tracked through because there is nothing worse than waiting. So at least there is one good thing coming out of it.

Sending you lots of positive vibes! hope it goes smoothly.

Take care,

17-08-07, 20:14
Thanks Jill and Jane, I'm trying to keep calm. Your replies did help - I just think of the most awful possibilities as soon as anything happens.......wish I knew how to stop myself. Thanks so much, I will let you know what happens.
love Rose

18-08-07, 03:59

I also had nerve tests done for twitching and trembling muscles. If you want me to explain what they do and what my symptoms were, please pm me.

They were nothing to worry about really, but of course I worried about them beforehand, lol!

Hope everything is ok. :)

Good luck.

Love and hugs from shoegal xxx