View Full Version : releaving acid reflux symptoms

16-08-07, 19:42
I now have a big acid reflux problem it comes up my chest and into my throat and burns like mad.. my throat is swollen and inflamed from this docs put me on those usual reflux tabs beginning with O.. 20mg..

But its killing me now!!!

anything to releave this???

drinking plenty of water? or will this cause more acid???

16-08-07, 19:58
Omeprazole - good stuff. Give it a little while. You need to take a 'course' of it to work, much like Antibiotics.

Someone suggested raising the head end of your bed, by putting bricks or books etc underneath the legs.

Avoid acidic food too, and drink plenty of water. Juice isn't always a good idea because it is quite acidic.

Give the Omeprazole a little time to kick in


16-08-07, 20:04
Try aloe vera juice.

I also drink milk and take alka-seltzer.

16-08-07, 20:07
Hey D swan been a while.. this is what caused my throat problems that you were helping with remember?

Yeha I started them today, i was thinking about eating a small piece of pasta? low gi? or would this make things worst?

drinking quite a bit of water at late..

16-08-07, 20:54
Hey :)

Yes I remember it well and am glad you have finally found the cause :)

Pasta will be fine. Complex carbohydrates (Starchy foods) like pasta, rice, bread, potatoes etc are generally good for acid reflux. Most vegetables are also ok, but I have read that it's a good idea to avoid onions and garlic and spicy things.

Definitely avoid booze. Coffee is also meant to be bad for reflux.

From what I have read, one of the most important things you can do is not eat too much at once. I think it is best to eat small, frequent meals rather than the 3 large ones a day. Also don't eat late at night, and don't lie down straight after eating.

Hope you feel better soon :yesyes: xx

16-08-07, 20:54
hell yeah i had this big time a few years ago, i had the chest pains also and thought i was having a heart attack on more than one occasion.

like SWAN said, put several books under each side of your bead so the top half of your body is risen.

stay well away from fizzy drinks, spicy foods, cut down on dairy.

eat small amounts regular.

drink plenty of water.

Mine did go away after about two weeks and when it does reoccur i ALWAYS have zantac in the medicine cupboard.

ps. never eat too close to bed time either because it will just lie in your tummy all night and make you feel alot worse.

best of luck and i hope you get wee soon
xxxxx :hugs:

17-08-07, 11:44
Hey, day two... Took my second tab this morn still got the burning in neck and throat and upset stomach :(

Will see what happens, scared that becuase I've left it so long (due to misdiagnosis) that it may have damaged some of the tissue.. I've got lower neck pain in only the left side of my neck..

17-08-07, 20:38
One quick question, if it turns out that I dont have acid reflux (yet to have the ENT appointment, but got the pills already)

So say I dont have acid reflux will it be harmful to take these?

Im scared that I know this sounds stupid but that my food isnt getting used by the body.. As in Im not taking anything in from the food..

Dont know why Im thinking this.. Had a horrible PA today in front of a police man that called an ambulance which took about 30secs to arrive!

and then they left striaght away as I controlled the PA.. (go me) but then had a big one driving home..

Havent ate much today and think that, that and not eating much due to these pills that its had an effect..

I havent really noticed any side effects but seen a yellow thing on my tonsil which is listed as a side effect..

Just thinking that I didnt really get any of these acid reflux feelings until I took gavesgon advanced the other day.. Then I started getting the pains and the throat reflux.. But I do think that this is reflux and has been for a while.. But I only had the throat problem and not any of the other things (the stumuch pains etc) but Im told that you can have acid reflux without the other pains and just the throat probs..

How can you test for acid reflux?? Also as I said earlier if it isnt would it be a bad thing to take these? I asked the doc and she said no..

But you know what were like lol..

Thanks in advance xx

17-08-07, 22:13
Hey again.

No - Omeprazole won't do you any harm, whether you have reflux or not. It doesn't stop you from absorbing food, it just decreases the amount of acid produced by your stomach. You say you haven't eaten much today....? So it sounds as though there isn't anything for your stomach to absorb?

Gaviscon can be good but there is an alternative line of thinking with that one....that neutralizing the acid just confuses the stomach so it produces more. I am not sure whether this is correct or not. However, it can certainly help with reflux, acid aside. Personally I'd just take the Omeprazole for now and see how you get on. You need to give it a while though.

I had Omeprazole for a couple of months with no side effects whatsoever :)

Yes you can test for acid reflux....it's called a pH test. I can't remember exactly how it works, but they pass a naso-gastric tube..this is a tube which goes down your nose to your stomach. It is attached to some sort of monitor which records the pH and how often you are refluxing. I think it is done over 24 hours, and then the tube and monitor are removed. There may be other tests - I don't know I'm afraid.

Sorry to hear you've been panicking. I hope you feel better soon xxx

18-08-07, 06:17
I also get this big time and find it scarier cos it makes it hard to breathe too. I have taken to taking gaviscon before I go to bed as well as the omeprazole cos I'm so scared it will happen again. :hugs:

18-08-07, 10:41
Hey Swan one question should I take it on an empty stumuch? before food or after?

Im going to have breakfast but obviously want it to get obsorbed.. so should i wait a little while after to take the pill?

cheeky monkey
18-08-07, 22:50
I have had reflux for many years, and am on the same tabs as you. I was taking gavesgon as well, but got told off by my doc as this has a lot of salt in.
The first test I had was an endoscopy (tube down your throat) this will check for reflux my food pipe is inflammed which could be why you are having trouble with your throat.
I have to be careful with spicy, and foods with alot of acid, also try not to have any hot drinks too hot as this can also make it worse. If I can I drink a glass of milk just before eating as this will line your stomach.
As others have said, I also sleep with my head raised as this will stop the acid from coming up to your throat. Also try not to eat too late and I agree about having smaller meals. I find sucking a mint after food helps.
It would also be a good idea to ask your doc about testing for a hiatus hernia as this also gives trouble with acid I have just been told I have one.
Hope you get sorted soon.
Take care

19-08-07, 21:32
Hey, Im now really scared I keep getting really bad stomuch pains like someone is stabbing me.. I think that I am not preducing enough acid to brake down the food im intaking.. I have eaten alot today..

really looking for a quick reply here folks, hop someone can reassure me!

but I think that these tabs are slowing my food getting broken down big time..

I feel bloated all the time and tired

27-08-07, 21:39
Hey Dan.

Sorry I haven't replied - have been away. How are things now? I'm afraid I don't remember whether you should take Omeprazole before or after food. It should tell you on the packet. If it doesn't, assume you can take them whenever.

What dosage have you been on? I believe 20mg is the standard adult dose. You can even buy 10mg over the counter, so it will be fine. You really need to try to stop worrying. Food is mainly absorbed in your intestines, not your stomach. The stomach just breaks it down, as you say. Not only does it do this chemically (with acid), it does it mechanically by contracting. Your tummy will be doing what it needs to do. Remember that GP's prescribe this drug all the time, and wouldn't if it was going to hurt you.

I hope you are feeling much better by now xx

30-08-07, 11:18
hey well im off the pills now and went to the ENT and since then I have had ear probs and been going dizzy/light headed.. Been to docs and they gave me these pills for vertigo not took any yet. The ent said that my throat doesnt look suspicious and that he doesnt no whats caused the imflamation. He stuck pipes down my noses and stuff had to do it 4 times because I made him pull out when it got really uncomfortable. Do you think he has upset the "balance" of my head or whatever.. ?? basically at night that day as I was falling asleep I would experience about 3 secs of the room spinning and then stops then I would wake in the night and it would happen then also and again when I woke up in the morning. this happened fri sat and sunday night. Now that has stopped but I dont know if I am causing or making up the other symptoms.. the pills he gave me are.. prochlorperazine maleate BP 5MG 3 X Day... but I dont no wether to take them as the spinning at night has stopped and Im not sure if Its me causing the light headed spells or whatever is going on if my head.. Any experience with these DS?

30-08-07, 11:36
Hey Dan.

Yes I've taken Prochlorperazine. I think they are generally known as Stemetil? Didn't take them for long because they didn't help me. They tend to use them for anti-sickness and vertigo/balance problems. They shouldn't do you any harm.

I don't think the doctor will have done anything to upset your balance system.

He said your ears are fine right? Could I be right in thinking that the 'spinning' feeling is actually anxiety? If you suffer with Panic and Anxiety, it is very common to get these 'head zaps', where you feel dizzy, lightheaded and faint. They tend not to last for more than a couple of seconds, so it's possible this is what you are experiencing.

31-08-07, 15:57
Have taken Stemetil for a while now, and was prescribed the same dosage. However I found that just one a day, kept me upright fairly well. I also take them in about three month bursts, then have a few months off till the dizziness comes back. I've found them to be a great help and haven't had any side effects as yet.

06-09-07, 10:40
Hey quick update..

My ear problem is worst it feels like you know when they pop on an air plane it feels like that. in both ears my throats really bad too. Could it be acid reflux causing this?

07-09-07, 14:40
nIm thinking about goin back on the omeprazole.. Although I had the stumuch pains last time docs said this is a side effect etc.. I dunno if the ears throat thing is all related? Or wether these pills will stop it.. the thing is the sore throat etc is here.. the damage by the acid is there obviously.. so if i fix the acid prob wether the throat will naturally heal in time..

07-09-07, 22:23

I'm not convinced that Acid Reflux would give you ear problems (everyone feel free to correct me if I'm wrong). Sure, the ears and throat are very much connected (Eustacian tubes etc etc), but the acid would have to be going a long way up to get into your ears?! Having said that, I guess it could be possible that the acid has irritated your throat, which in turn has irritated your ears.

Talk it through with your GP


08-09-07, 08:16
Well I started taken them then got stomach pains and stopped.. i think I only took 4 lol.. Well Im sure the throat issue is acid reflux. Im certain Ive had everything else ruled out. with swabs & ent etc... Maybe lifestyle changes would fix the problem on its own? I want to do that bed raising thing but my bed is split in two pieces so i dunno how that will work.. I dunno maybe il give them another go as you say they wont harm me if im not refluxing anyway. One question is reflux when you produce to much acid and hence why you take these? or is it due to the lil thing not closing? (im very technical as you can see haha)

11-09-07, 07:58
I now have a big acid reflux problem it comes up my chest and into my throat and burns like mad.. my throat is swollen and inflamed from this docs put me on those usual reflux tabs beginning with O.. 20mg..

But its killing me now!!!

anything to releave this???

drinking plenty of water? or will this cause more acid???

Im sure that others have offered advice and I maybe just adding to the fuel or what they have said but will post anyway.

I have had this really bad before. I was married and very stressed and upset and unhappy with my life.

First step.I completely got off sugar.No cakes ,no donuts,no sugar of any kind.

I took up diet drinks less coffee or decaf ugh..I did it though. I started eating foods that was on the adkins diet. I lost a lot of weight.As I got off the sugar and the caffenated drinks and heavy meals it subsided.

It was once so bad I felt that I had liquid fire in my stomach.Drinking more water.I don't think there is anyone that could drink more water so don't thinkt that is the cure.

The most important thing.I left my wife went 3000 miles and felt the weight of the whole world lift right off my shoulders.The unhappiness also contributed to the fact I was killing myself with sugar and food overdose.

The eating less and lean meats and light meals and no sugars and then the final thing finding peace helped a lot.

Not sure the last one applies in your case.The acid reflux usually is the beginning of ulcers caused from stress and combined with all the wrong foods and sugars.

Im not saying this is the answer to your issue im just stating that it cured mine.I cannot remember a time since that I have ever had it again.That has been many years ago and im still acid reflux free.Good luck and hopefully you will find your answer.

11-09-07, 10:52
Well I started the pills again and then they started to cause stomach pains again, after two tabs I didnt take one yesterday and dont no wether to take one today and give them another go.. The thing is on the first day i was fine no probs with them.. Will it be bad to start again after missing a day??

11-09-07, 12:14
You know Omeprezole seems to be giving me acid stomach problems not solving it! I have the throat probs but never really had the stomach probs.. Until i started these.. Started them again and the stomach pains have returned! I stopped yesterday and dont know wether to go back on them. now im stuck.. Either persevere with the pains and stay on them or stop and not have the pains but maybe still have the throat prob.. sooooo confused... made an app at the docs.. in the mean time raised my bed etc.. i took one sat/sun didnt take one yesterday & dunno what to do today.. i hadnt slept a wink yesterday which was one of the reasons why i didnt carry on with them.

i dunno what to do!?

11-09-07, 15:19
If the Omeprazole is making you uncomfortable there is no point persevering with it.

I would chat to your GP and ask about taking Domperidone and Ranitidine.

All the best xx

11-09-07, 16:43
Hey swan, funny you say that as I have have done that already. his done me a perscription that I have to go pick up.. But hopefully that will help.. having stopped taking it my stumach is really painful.. and seems very acidy.. anything i can do at home to help it? milk.. starchy foods etc???

11-09-07, 18:30
Hey his gave me ranitidine 150mg twice a day.. Whats the difference with this one? Seems much of the same lol..

14-09-07, 04:01
hi dlou,

in response to your initial post about drinking water, although water is great its not a good reliever of reflux. when you are having reflux try eating a piece of bread or drinking milk, this will absorb the acid much more effectively!

hope i could help,