View Full Version : Arthritis all over my body?

27-08-18, 12:10
I have recently been diagnosed with arthritis in my left hip. I have some obvious (to me) external rotation of the hip which is causing knee issues and ankle issues. this has been going on in some form or fashion for 5 years. At first, I thought I was clenching at night in my pelvis area (which I still think that I do) and this was causing the issue. My hip/pelvis is popping or clicking from time to time when i get out of bed. I tried to ignore it for some time but finally went to orthopedic. I have very obvious loss of range of motion on both sides worse on the left which has been diagnosed by 3 different doctors. I also have pain in elbow joint on left side and wrist joint on right side. Also there is significant tenderness in my elbows if I bang elbow or even put my elbows on a table with any weight on them. I work out hard so my muscle strength is good. I am also staring to get some strange feeling in my fingertips and my right big toe is painful when I push off. It is not gout, no redness or swelling. I am putting this all together and wondering if it is all part of the same problem. Arthritis or something else. I also for about the same period of time (five years) have notice that I have episodes of inflammation all over my body where I can actually feel the swelling. My feet hands can swell up and even my face can be bloated at times. I do have some food allergies which I have been attributing some of this to. I have had 100 TMS symptoms so I have been treating this like TMS but I am wondering of something organic. Any thoughts would be appreciated it.