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View Full Version : Anxious all day

27-08-18, 14:41
Does anyone feel anxious all day for no reason? From the moment I wake up I just feel anxious and get waves of panic shoot through my body throughout the day - it’s horrible!! I can be out, sitting at home , watching tv and I’ll just feel anxious and get waves of panic shoot though my body. I have constant butterflies/adrenaline and a strange disconnected head feeling. Any tips on how to deal with this?

27-08-18, 19:27
Hi there, there are no easy or quick solutions, but there are little coping strategies you can try. One is to get yourself absorbed in something like a crossword, a Sudoku, or a book you're enjoying. Or watch a show on TV. I find listening to Current Affairs radio, or phone ins, very helpful. Or plan and cook a meal. Distraction, putting your mind on another track altogether, helps. It won't eliminate the thoughts or symptoms for good, but can buy you a break.

Try to avoid judging yourself or blaming yourself, in the meantime. The problem you are having is common beyond belief, and modern GP surgeries are more than prepped for helping people through anxiety.

Meanwhile, there is a vast array of really good self-help books out there. Exploring Amazon and seeing the range of books, both Kindle and paperback that can help you, is itself therapeutic.

By the way, if you are in the UK, Public Holidays are a notorious time for anxiety to rear its head, as regular helping services are closed.

Do remember, there are loads of people going through this or similar, including me, and this Forum is itself packed with useful tips.

Very good luck, and go easy on yourself.


27-08-18, 20:51
Yep I try to ingnore this feeling tell myself oh it you again fear of the attack make it worse I think the more you accept the anxiety and symptoms the less effect it has on you x c

27-08-18, 21:03
I feel like this all the time lately, as do lots of other people. It is absolutely pants isn't it? But I've felt like this on and off for about a decade and it never lasts. Sure it sticks around for a few weeks and makes life a living hell but it always passes.
You'll find a way to manage your anxiety & relax, one that works for you. Take some time during the day to dedicate to being relaxed - for me, it's after work when I lay down and listen to some relaxation audios or guided mediation. No matter how terrible I feel during the day I know that I AM capable of feeling relaxed, and when the anxiety hits me I remind myself of that.
Take some time to work out what's best for you. I carry Rescue Remedy spray & I listen to Podcasts that will take up all of my concentration and I have even been known to lock myself in the toilets at work and dance around like a maniac - try feeling anxious when you look like an absolute idiot!
These feelings will pass. You will have moments of peace - when they come, notice them & appreciate them. Soon the moments will become more frequent & they'll turn into peaceful days. Once the peaceful days start coming it's easier to ignore those anxious feelings. It can be tempting to pay too much attention to these nasty thoughts and feelings - I sometimes spend hours listening to them and trying to figure out why they're there & how to cure them. But it's a waste of time! The only way, for me anyway, to cure them is to get to a point where I notice them but I literally do not care.