View Full Version : hello, i feel relly alone

17-08-07, 02:32

i have been having crazy thoughts going through my head since i was around twelve, it started with thoughts of death and always thinking that something was going to happen to me wether it was meningitus or a tumor cancer HIV anything, i would start to feel dizzy with numbness rising from my feet and i would feel like i was losing control. There would be days where i would work myself into a panic so much that i would find that i was really ill. I always blamed the feelings on my personal life as my mum and dad got divorced and there was a certain amount of psycological abuse form my father. Then i was sexually assulted at the age of 15 and this started to cause fear of being attacked by people and things happening to me like car crashes of the feeling of gravity vanishing and only me being sucked into space.

then when i left school and got a job and stopped seeing my dad so much these feelings and fears disappeared and i seemed to be having fun and never really thinking these strange thoughts. i went to university and was having a super time.

then i started to get the feeling of death and dying again and feeling that something terrible was going to happen to me, it was always one disease at a time and these diseases would take a rotating pattern. i went to seak help and took some councilling sessions at university only 6 as i was finishing and it was free at university and i couldn't afford to pay privatly. The contact with my dad was reduced and eventually stopped as a result of some of the issues at councilling.

the pannic attacks still continued though, and the only way that i can stop them is to distract myself, eventually imoved to Japan to travel.

Now i find that i obsess over everything and i have been to see every doctor that i can to check out every ache and pain, heart trouble, skin specialists, ear nose and throat specialists, anything you can think of.

Everyday there is something wrong, i have a headache, cysititis, thrush, pains, ear ache, feels like electricity is in my brain, practically everything mentioned in this site.

today i had to leave work as i worked my self up to such a panic that i could not teach my students as all i could think about was how dizzy i felt and that i was going to die by a sudden heart attack.

I left work and could not stop crying i really really need help and i really have no where to turn as i live in Japan and i can't speak Japanese

if anyone has any ideas please please please help!!!

17-08-07, 02:55
Hello Haribo and a warm welcome to No More Panic,

I'm sorry to hear that you are going through such a bad time, but am glad you have had all the checks with the doctor. The symptoms you get with anxiety can be very varied and also scary. I do understand where are you coming from.

What kind of emotional or social support do you have? For example, do you have close English friends there?

Whatever, please don't feel alone even though you are so far away from the UK. You will find us very friendly here.

Just one thought - have you tried posting any general queries on one of the ex-pat sites such as http://www.alloexpat.com/japan_expat_forum/

Take Care


17-08-07, 03:07
thank you so much for your reply,

yeah i have lots of close friends and i live with my boyfriend who is English,

but none of my close friends know about my problem i have become so good at hiding it , all my friends see me as a fun loving carefree person.

my boyfriend knows but he does not understand he can't make any plans for the future and can' even go to the supermarket to buy food for the evening meal as it is planning too far ahead.

i have started to write a journal and have discovered that i have a an irrational fear of the bathroom, dead people and ghosts tring to attack me and a man with a knife trying to attack me, i fear that i tell anyone this then they they think i was insane.

my mum is pretty good but she doen't really understand she just blames my dad and says its just natural stress. then she gets angry but i love her to bits.

anyway i will check out your the site you mentioned!!!

17-08-07, 11:38
Hi Haribo,

Just wanted to welcome you to NMP, its lovely to see you here, im sure you will get some great advice, support and make new friends too.:)


17-08-07, 11:52
Hi Haribo,
Welcome.......sorry Your Having Such A Hard Time Im Sure You Will Find Lots Of Support And Info Here..............linda X

17-08-07, 12:50
Hi Haribo :D


There are lots of nice people here who will help and support you.



17-08-07, 17:11
Hi Haribo,

A big warm welcome to you. You need not feel alone as everyone here has hearts of gold. xx

17-08-07, 19:07
Hi Haribo

:welcome: aboard and lovely to see you here.

I am sure you will get loads of support and advice here and meet some lovely people.

17-08-07, 19:32

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends

Take care

Trac xxx

17-08-07, 19:57
Hello haribo :welcome:to you!

Please don't feel alone - you're among friends here who understand from personal experience what you're going through.

You'll get plenty of help and support - pleased to meet you!


17-08-07, 21:29
Hi Haribo and :welcome:

You'll get loads of advice and support here while making new friends along the way. There's always a friendly ear here so joining this site is a great step. Also well done for moving to Japan and achieving so much in the face of anxiety. :yesyes:

Take care,

Mike :)

17-08-07, 22:27
:D hello haribo,

i hope that now you know your not alone in how you feel you will start to feel better?:yesyes: all the best emma