View Full Version : Break up + anxiety = Hating Life

27-08-18, 18:20
Hi everyone

Need to check-in to have a bit of a rant. One week ago today, my partner and I separated after 3 years 3 months together. It was my decision, but still it's been bloody tough.

I have had constant "butterflies in stomach" from the anxiety and I feel hopeless.

What's worse, twice this weekend I've had a strange sensation in my head. Sort of like a brain zap, but it feels more like a twang. It lasts 1-2 seconds. This has happened a hand full of times over the last month.

Of course, not only am I sitting here feeling crap because I'm single, I'm sitting here worrying about brain tumours.

I also did the wrong thing and got so drunk on Saturday night, that I'm still hugnover from it.


27-08-18, 19:11
Breakups are SO difficult. Especially for us that have anxiety.
My boyfriend of 9 years broke up with me last year and it was the most rock bottom I have ever been in my entire life. During this time it’s so easy for you mind to wander and think about the worst.

Just remember and keeping telling yourself that you’re going through a lot right now and brain zaps are one of the symptoms of anxiety. You probably don’t feel like it but try to keep your mind busy, things will get better xx

27-08-18, 19:32

Don’t forget that even though you chose to end it, it can still be hard to try and adjust to such a big change, even if it’s for the better. It’s at times like these that HA can rear up - I think it’s a way of us focusing on something other than what’s really troubling us.

As for the zaps - I get them lots. They tend to come in phases where I have a lot, then nothing. Literally feels like my brain has moved for a split second. They don’t bother me though.
