View Full Version : Persistant ulcer.

27-08-18, 20:45

I'm posting here because I feel sick with worry. Tonight my Mum mentioned that my father has had an ulcer in his mouth for a few weeks. I asked him about it and he said it's been there a while, and when I asked why he hadn't been to get it seen too he said he's been too busy. :shrug:
When I google it comes up nothing but oral cancer. He's had it nearly 2 months and as far as I know it hasn't gotten bigger. It's not big, smaller than a 5p. It's on his gum, just above his front teeth. It looks like a red sore with little white patches. I'm feeling so sick with worry. Is it possible to not be cancerous? :weep:

27-08-18, 21:00
It could be many things, and if your Dad is anything like mine then he’s unlikely to do anything about it unless it’s really bothering him. So the good news is that it’s probably not bothering him. He may go to the gp if you badger him, but you worrying about it won’t do any good for anyone I’m afraid.

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