View Full Version : ALS fears

28-08-18, 02:12
33/male here. I posted a few weeks back about a tingle in my face. Had a MRI done and they couldn't find anything. I was terrified it was cancer in my brain or spine.

I had very bad anxiety about the whole thing, really felt awful for 2-3 weeks, and felt weak (full body) several times, which came and went.

Not long after I got the MRI back, though, my leg muscles started twitching, and my left knee began to feel weak (not sure if it's real weakness or just perceived) and now it kind of hurts to walk at times.

I had no issues with weakness or twitching BEFORE I had 3 weeks of panic, and I know anxiety can cause similar symptoms, but I just can't get it out of my head that I have ALS. I am going back to the neurologist early next month (he diagnosed my face tingling as "migraines" and this is a follow up) and I plan to mention this to him then, but I was just wondering if anyone had a similar episode that turned out to be nothing? I know ALS is fairly rare in people under 40-50.

28-08-18, 11:24

29-08-18, 08:46

Thank you so much for linking that! I had seen that linked before on the ALS Forum, but the responses from this site speak to me so much. I am in no way trying to come off as rude but my anxiety makes me so nervous that I feel desperate and end up here.

I would not have posted this thread if I didn't work myself into a complete panic with thinking of symptoms, and seeing the other people in that thread with the same problems as me with "thinking of the worst". Reading those gives me so much relief. Thank you. I am sorry to bother anyone, I wish I had more control over my anxiety.

29-08-18, 10:51
33/male here. I posted a few weeks back about a tingle in my face. Had a MRI done and they couldn't find anything. I was terrified it was cancer in my brain or spine.

I had very bad anxiety about the whole thing, really felt awful for 2-3 weeks, and felt weak (full body) several times, which came and went.

Not long after I got the MRI back, though, my leg muscles started twitching, and my left knee began to feel weak (not sure if it's real weakness or just perceived) and now it kind of hurts to walk at times.

I had no issues with weakness or twitching BEFORE I had 3 weeks of panic, and I know anxiety can cause similar symptoms, but I just can't get it out of my head that I have ALS. I am going back to the neurologist early next month (he diagnosed my face tingling as "migraines" and this is a follow up) and I plan to mention this to him then, but I was just wondering if anyone had a similar episode that turned out to be nothing? I know ALS is fairly rare in people under 40-50.

There are no sensory issues in ALS ie no tingling, numbness etc

29-08-18, 11:11
There are no sensory issues in ALS ie no tingling, numbness etc

Hello, and thank you for replying!

I understand that, and HA isn't always rational, but the symptoms I was referring to were my (perceived?) weakness in my left leg and my twitching, mainly in my calves but also other places all over my body.

The tingle that caused so much grief for me was likely the result of an ear infection, and has since gone away.

The twitching and "weakness" were not there, or at least not noticeable until after I got all worked up about the face tingle. (Though when I was -really- freaking out, both of my legs would feel weak, on and off..)

I am sorry to bother everyone here. I do not like posting about this or burdening others with my problems. I only posted this because I was feeling so darn anxious I didn't know what else to do!

I hate it! I hate when fear overwhelms the emotional mind. I am aware of how silly I must sound. I understand that it's "probably" anxiety related (I was pretty stressed out about my previous symptoms)

I just read about these diseases and I feel so awful for those afflicted by them. I apologize for flooding the board with my long and rambling posts.