View Full Version : insomnia

17-08-07, 03:44
Aah I am suffering from terrible insomnia lately, I have been having problems with my left eye. Went to the Optician to have it checked up turns out nothing is actually wrong but since monday along with my eye I have developed a strange sensation in my head on the same side.

I just can't sleep because of it and my sleep has been getting progressivley worse as well. last night I ended up not sleeping thinking that there is something wrong with my head, but there is no headache just this patch of strange pressure/buzzing. Is this common. the scalp is very tender there but maybe thats from me touching the space all the time? am I seriously over-reacting, just woke up at 3 in a full blown panic attack with pins and needles the works as well as a throbbing in my head. It sucks I just want to go to bed and sleep :mad:

I am seeing the doc later on today but my mom just moans at me and says I can't keep going back to the doctor..well I have to go somewhere don't I? This is driving me nuts. Anybody have similar symptoms?

17-08-07, 04:06

i have had similar problems, mine started with my ear not my eye though, i went to see an ear specialist and apparantly i have a sinus problem so that causes pressure that goes up my head, and causes similar sentations.

i think you are wise going to the doctor , it is probably nothing but you never know until you go and when you know what it is you can stop worrying about it.


17-08-07, 04:43
Thanks for the reply Harry, it could be sinus funny enough I have been very stuffy last couple of days. The doctor is getting to know me on a first name basis by now :blush:

Take care,