View Full Version : 100% convinced it's cancer this time :(

28-08-18, 22:11
Sorry for moaning and for the long post.

It all started with a vaginal boil I got around mid june this year. I get them but they always go away on their own but this one was different. I accidentally squeezed it and it bled a lot. So I left it, didn't use any antibiotics nor went to a doctor, I just left it. It got terribly wollen and very painful - I couldn't even move my legs due to the pain. So a couple of weeks passed and the boil hadn't healed and I started worrying about getting mrsa, pneumonia and sepsis. I would my check my temperature, breathing and skin everytime to look for signs of sepsis. And then I started reading about people who got/died of sepsis. Since I'm off school I am very sedentary and I spend most of my day on bed using my phone, and then onr night I moved to my side and I felt this quick weird lower back pain like an electric shock also in the middle of my stomach. Don't know why but when I first felt that pain I just said: Ok now this must be cancer.

Days passed and the boil didn't improve, it just kept draining pus and I was so worried the infection would spread because It would be a month with the boil without healing. So in mid july I started getting a constant/persistent lower back pain like when I have my period, upper back pain like something is bitting me or stinging, it feels so deep and leaves me breathless. I also started getting sharp pains all over my body, and terrible left leg pain and buttock pain, also my knee and right leg hurt occassionally. But the pain that worries me the most is the lower back one and the left buttock and left leg one. It's sometimes a shooting deep pain, and my buttock and thigh can feel warm to touch sometimes. It feels so deep like something is consuming me. Also two months ago i developed a constant annoying phlegm in my throat. And the last one sign is that since a couple of days ago when I sit and move I can feel something in the middle of my buttocks like near the anus or something like a bony/hard moveable lump.

Of course I googled all of my symptoms and well there are many possible things but I just convinced myself I could have these three cancers:
Ovarian cancer
Bone cancer osteosarcoma in my pelvis or hip with lung metastasis (the phlegm has me convinced of that)
Soft tissue sarcoma

Last month I had an abdominal ultrasound which showed a kidney stone in my right kidney, but don't why my pain is mainly on my left side. I also have a uti but I didn't take the cipro, cause I was scared of the side effects.

I'm 22 years old which is in the age range of getting sarcoma and I'm terrified I have it now. Also I'm hispanic/afrocaribbean descent which supposedly have a high incidence of osteosarcoma. I go back to uni next week and I don't have the energy to go, my appetite has decreased because I think I'm terminal and have little time left. The last month my google searches are almost 99% of cancer searches like sarcoma, osteosarcoma, prognosis, incidence, stories of people with it etc. It makes me crazy. I want to be positive but this doesn't help. I'm very irritable rn and talk bad to my family, I feel frustrated :( I'm waiting to go to a gynecologist this friday, I'm so scared to go to the doctor but I guess I gotta face this :(

28-08-18, 22:36
I know that you are upset and I am sorry that you are going through this. Some of what you have said sounds like another medical issue and although it is not cancer nor is it deadly, you should see a doctor for. I am not sure where your boil is, but is sounds like you may have an abscess in that area. I, of course, cannot diagnose you, but I had something very, very similar last summer and was convinced it was cancer because that is what I do. It was under my skin and I finally worked with it to burst. It did and while relieved, some other issues popped up which again had me crying in the doctor's office. It was not cancer, but it was something else that my gyno missed, but another doctor saw. I also had some leg pain and back pain.

Because you are experiencing some symptoms, I would really have a doctor take a look, as it could be as simple as lancing the dang thing. It is not cancer.

28-08-18, 23:23
I know that you are upset and I am sorry that you are going through this. Some of what you have said sounds like another medical issue and although it is not cancer nor is it deadly, you should see a doctor for. I am not sure where your boil is, but is sounds like you may have an abscess in that area. I, of course, cannot diagnose you, but I had something very, very similar last summer and was convinced it was cancer because that is what I do. It was under my skin and I finally worked with it to burst. It did and while relieved, some other issues popped up which again had me crying in the doctor's office. It was not cancer, but it was something else that my gyno missed, but another doctor saw. I also had some leg pain and back pain.

Because you are experiencing some symptoms, I would really have a doctor take a look, as it could be as simple as lancing the dang thing. It is not cancer.

Hi dear, thanks for your reply. I'm glad what you had wasn't something sinister x.

I know the chances of it being cancer are very low, but I just jump to the worst case scenario and think that I'm going to be one of the less than 1% of people who get bone cancer every year, unfortunately my logic works like that. I also have developed a severe fear of going to the doctors and having tests done.

Sometimes I think it might be gynecological like a cyst or endometriosis, maybe my scoliosis, inactivity and ver bad posture that is causing me the chronic constant pain or even the UTI or kidney stone which for I irresponsably didn't take the treatment. But of course my HA will have me stuck in the worst illness :( Other thing that has convinced this is sarcoma is that a month ago I read about a person with hypochondria since their childhood who unfortunately in their 20s they developed hip and thigh pain and it turned out to be some sort of terminal cancer, that terrified of me course and got me thinking the same will happen to me. also my pain doesn't get better with painkiller although I have had just used one type.

My family and doctors are fed up with me and look at me like I'm stupid or nuts, I just wann live my life like any other age peer instead of wasting it thinking I'm gonna die soon :(

28-08-18, 23:34
Elle, I completely understand where you are coming from. I am in a bad place with HA towards my children right now, which is horrible. I actually went through statistics yesterday trying to figure out their odds for a rare brain tumor. I always think the rarest things will get them...I feel like I am tempting fate.

As far as your condition, I say this with caution, but it seems like it could be something ano-vaginal related, as your symptoms center here. And, this is exactly what I went through. But, it is nothing at all terminal or cancer related. At your gyno appointment make sure they really listen to you. There are so many nerve ending in that area and it is way sensitive, which is likely part of what you are experiencing.

And, worst case scenario is where we HA people hang our hats. My days are filled with fatalistic views. I completely sympathize.

29-08-18, 01:44
Hi Elle,

Is it right at the top of your buttocks? Basically where your tailbone would be? If so, I have it too. I even made a thread about it. A chiro friend checked it out and said it was a normal part of my anatomy: most spines aren’t aligned. I also noticed the lump after sitting for a period of time and feeling pain in my lower back. Really hope this helps you.