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View Full Version : Heart Rate and Blood Oxygen Concerns

29-08-18, 05:07
Last night I got out of bed and I was feeling nausea which I've been having a lot lately and felt pretty weak, and I put on my pulse oximeter and it showed a pulse of 105 which is high for me. I did get that under control though, though as I was watching it I saw my blood oxygen dip to 94 a few times.

Fast forward to tonight, I checked my heart rate a couple times today and it was pretty normal, a little high maybe but I was kinda tense. I ate supper I had roast, sweet rice, mashed potatoes, and broccoli. Within a couple minutes after eating I could feel my heart beating in my chest and upper stomach which was beginning to make me tense. When I got home I checked my oximeter and it showed that my pulse was 105, which freaked me out. I walked out and I got as high as I think 125, which isnt terrible, but I came back in sat down and tried to relax, and I could not get it under 90. For 2 hours or a little more it stayed between 90 and would bounce as high as 110 and come back down to the 90s. My normal resting heart rate is 60 to 64. Its been about 3.5 hours since eating now, and its still a few beats higher than my normal resting, it sits in the 80s now.

The other thing that concerned me what my Oxygen % on the Oximeter. Previously when I've checked its always 96-99%, a couple times 95%, several times tonight I've seen it dip to 92%, it only stays there for a few seconds and comes back up to 97% to 99%, I know I have a bit of anxiety over this tonight, so im not breathing the best but its been really bugging me.

I am coming off of 10 days of bad nausea and stomach pains which had improved greatly in the last 2 days.

29-08-18, 05:13
Gotta quit self checking. Unless a doctor has specifically told you to do so, no one with HA should be anywhere near an Oximeter, or honestly any other testing device. Anxiety can do everything you have going there.

29-08-18, 07:03
yea, I just freaked myself out again accidentally. I had it on my finger..first reading came to 65,and blood oxygen 90%...though the oxygen quickly jumped back to 99% within a few seconds. Generally this thing had been good for me and I was using it to get baselines and learn how to control my breathing and stuff.

---------- Post added 29-08-18 at 01:03 ---------- Previous post was 28-08-18 at 23:55 ----------

Im thinking theres a chance my pulse oximeter is off anyway. I was up moving around and it read 93%, and I got my watch and it read 98% and never below 97%. My pulse is still a few beats higher than I'd like. Im laying down and its between 75 and 85.

29-08-18, 09:07
Your only true resting heart rate is just after you wake up or if you've been sitting and RELAXED for an 30 minutes or more.

Everything else you've described there is completely normal.

Stop checking.

29-08-18, 09:13
I guess so, I just got used to checking it at night, and checking it at other times and getting a baseline. I've been trying to take it while relaxed but the beating in my chest keeps me on my toes.

29-08-18, 09:20
This is a feedback loop type thing. I've been there.

You check, you worry, you check again, you worry more... etc.

There is no such thing as baseline either, your heart rate is a dynamic thing unless you're in a true rested state, which almost never happens when you're awake. Especially if you're testing the thing you're worrying about which increases when you test it because you're already worrying about it......:shades:

29-08-18, 12:17
Why do you own a pulse oximeter?

Has a dr told you to constantly check your oxygen and pulse?

Our bodies have normal fluctuations and variables in every system. You and I DO NOT understand them, we don't have to.. they are NORMAL.

I can see from your post that you are driving yourself insane.

Why would you do that to yourself?