View Full Version : Pins and needles in feet, scared it's diabetes

29-08-18, 06:02
Sorry if someone has already seen this. I originally posted in the wrong forum. :(

Anyway, For the past couple of days, I've been experiencing tingling in my feet.*
I've fully convinced myself that I have type 2 diabetes despite only being 20 years old and relatively average in weight at 153lbs at 5'7. I was also pretty active up until an injury I had sustained a few months ago, which led me to be a bit lazy and prone to eating junk food, which I fear could have actually given me diabetes?
I'm not fatigued, I don't think I'm overly thirsty?

I know I sound crazy but my anxiety is going haywire. I'm just hoping other people have endured what I'm going through and can reassure me it's nothing serious. It could really just be my lower back, which is extremely bad at the moment, but I can't stop thinking I have something worse.*

29-08-18, 14:01
You don't get diabetes in a few months. Unless you're genetically predisposed to it, it typically takes decades of bad dietary choices.

Not moving an injured limb will cause nerve issues, and therefore pins and needles.