View Full Version : Lingerie headache for about 11 days now and worried

29-08-18, 06:53

On the 18th of this month, I started to notice I had discomfort when I blinked my right eye. This discomfort eventually turned into a headache above my eyebrow. This discomfort increased with exposure to bright light. It wasn't necessarily terrible to look at light either. It was just..uncomfortable.

Anyways, it wasn't any different on Sunday, the 19th. I just now felt pain over my temple, the back of my head and down my neck on the same side. There was also this pain behind my eyelid. On Monday, the following day, I woke up with a throbbing pain behind my eyelid. It was like a 9 out of 10 on the pain scale. I called the eye doctor as soon as I could and luckily, I was able to get in on the same day.

He did a thorough eye exam on me and told me everything looked normal. He said though I might have the beginning stages of uveitis. So, he prescribed me some anti inflammatory eye drops. Well, I'm almost finished with it and I have noticed no improvement at all.

I've been tracking my symptoms though and I notice my eye pain is hardly there when I don't have a headache. I can't figure out though where these headaches are coming from. This headache is felt sometime over my left eye. It also really scared me as I once saw a flash of light once and some black dots before a headache came on. I also have felt some tingling over my head and down my right leg and some weakness/numbness over my head before one.

It really scares me. I am scared I have a brain tumor or something although I know it is incredibly rare. Especially at my age, being 23 and all. I haven't had this frequent of headaches though in my life. I have one almost every day now. I had a 2 day break a couple of days ago, and then bam. They're back.

Can anyone offer any advice on what it sounds like?

30-08-18, 20:14
Hello?.. No one replied? :shrug:

30-08-18, 20:58
you say you have had an eye exam but have you had your eyes tested by an optician? if not I am thinking that is your next port of call.

but no I don't think it is anything to worry about.

30-08-18, 23:24
From the light sensitivity and the fact that it goes down to the neck I’m thinking it could be a migraine type thing? Maybe check with your doctor, I had a very similar thing for about 2 weeks and it was from a trapped nerve in my neck. I am 25 yo and I was freaking out Bout tumors etc but a few sessions of physio did the trick!

Doesn’t sound like anything to worry about, hope you get over this soon!

30-08-18, 23:58
My first bout with HA back when I was a teenager was a headache that I got as soon as a classmate died from a brain tumor. It lasted for months, seriously. It went away as soon as a needless scan confirmed there was no tumor.

Anxiety can do whatever it wants to us.

31-08-18, 02:31
This sounds like migraines to me, especially with the flashes, the tingling, and the light sensitivity, all of which can come with migraines. What have you tried taking for it? For me, excedrin and a hot shower is the only thing that gets rid of a migraine.

---------- Post added at 23:31 ---------- Previous post was at 23:29 ----------

Also, my brother got terrible headaches almost every day for a week or so when he was having very bad anxiety. Are you under extra stress/anxiety right now? As soon as he got through the anxiety they stopped.