View Full Version : Citolapram 10mg could be waring off?

29-08-18, 07:25
Hi guys. I've been taking 10mg cit for a long while now and even though I've not been 100% I'm not far off. However a few really positive changes in my life and anxiety through the roof. Doesn't make sense really. So starting a new post at work and a man in my life but the sheer excitement is amazing but the rise in anxiety is rubbish, uncomfortable and painful. Trying to ignore it but each day slightly worse. 3 days on the bounce now.. So annoying cos everything so good. Just wondering if anybody had any thoughts or words of wisdom. Thanks. X

29-08-18, 14:08
I think as anxious people we will always be prone to flare ups of anxiety & I don't necessarily think it's because the citalopram is wearing off. Try not to get bogged down with thinking "it's coming back" and instead think that you're having an off couple of days and they will pass. I know most people do increase to 20mg - I always stayed on 10mg, and it was so hard to suddenly be hit with anxiety after being totally fine for months on end. When this happens to me I make time to do some relaxation techniques in the evening, try to rest and sleep well and let my loved ones know how I'm feeling. If it doesn't pass in a few days then it might be worth talking to your GP about an increase but whatever happens don't let it knock you down xxx

29-08-18, 22:22
Great advice. Thank you. X

01-09-18, 18:23
Great to hear you're starting a new job and in a good relationship...you deserve it! As Suzi said I don't think it's the Cit wearing off. The thing is with Anxiety sufferers - even good things can raise our meter. Everyone gets some anxiety in a new position...and a new relationship. Stay the course and I expect the anxiety will come down once you get a little more comfortable with both the job and the guy. Enjoy the good fortune come your way and screw the anxiety. The oldest advice in the book - just be yourself. Unless of course yourself happens to be an ax murderer...in that case be somebody else.:D


02-09-18, 07:49
Thanks J.. Are you the J from America?? Hope you are well. X

05-09-18, 03:23
Well I am a J from America. Would you be the Polly from GB?:)

I hope you're well also.

05-09-18, 22:21
Yes I am she. I'm ok mostly but occasionally have a wobble! The joys of anxiety! You Ok? I paid for petrol the other day £30 In almost killed me ! X

11-09-18, 01:46
LOL! Still battling it out with big oil eh? My money's on you my friend. I'm good thanks...I've been in the hot shower since we last spoke.:D
