View Full Version : Seeing grid pattern when waking up at night!

29-08-18, 21:07
I'm new here. 35yo male. Had HA for a few years, have been fine for almost a year now. The past week this started-i wake up in the middle of the night and see a perfect grid pattern in my view for a second then it goes away, blink and see it again until I fully focus. Only happens when I wake up in the middle of the night. Anyone have this? I know people have similar things but all seem, dare I say, more severe...this is sutle but odd. I've looked up hypnopompic hallucinations and it doesn't seems exactly like that. Anybody?

29-08-18, 21:14
I’ve had this off and on for years. I’ve also had my eyes examined and an mri, so I assume it’s nothing.

30-08-18, 01:17
good to know, thank you, it's just freaky...it started out of nowhere (I guess I have been stressed) and it's just the same thing every time a perfect grid for a second, thanks for the response

30-08-18, 04:18
I always see things when I wake in the middle of the night. Shapes, flashes, colors, bugs. I just assumed I was still half dreaming.

30-08-18, 08:13
Yes, it's happened to me! Definitely a benign neurological phenomenon.

30-08-18, 14:37
I get all sorts of odd issues with my eyes, especially at night. I used to worry a bit about them, not I just sort of marvel at them. I get one where it is like a strobe after I shut the lights off. It continues for maybe 30 seconds to a minute, fading gradually, then disappears. None of these things phase me anymore, I just realize we are very odd collections of biochemistry, and sometimes we do very odd things.

Sometimes, when I got for an annual physical etc, if I happen to think about it I will ask my doctor a question or two about one of these odd things, and they never have an answer.

04-09-18, 02:18
odd indeed, thanks for the replies