View Full Version : Getting help and living life

29-08-18, 22:00
Hello, this is my first post here.
I saw that it is a UK site, but I live in Canada and can’t seem to find another site as in-depth as this one.

I’ve been suffering from health anxiety on and off most of my adult life, however in the past 3 years it has become unreal.
I don’t even live my life anymore because I’m so afraid that I’m going to suffer a medical emergency in public. There’s so many things I want to do that I decline because I’m afraid I’m going to suffer a medical event.
I found I’m only comfortable and safe feeling at home. Tho, my health anxiety has crept into that safe zone too.

I’ve been getting heart palpitations and weird fluttering sensations and despite being a relatively healthy 30-something year old, who has had numerous heart tests, I’m terrified that it’s the beginning of what will cause my fatal heart attack.

It’s ridiculous. If I have to drive, I map all the closest hospitals. I can’t enjoy dinner or a movie with my significant other because I’m always worried something is gonna happen.

I guess what I’m getting at is that I’m tired of being scared all the time. I’ve been looking into getting help, but I don’t know where to start.
I went the route of a physchatrist for anxiety/depression in the past and was given medication, which honestly didn’t help.

So, with that said, I’m looking for alternative therapy to medication. Looking for your experiences with what has worked for you guys?

Thanks guys!

30-08-18, 06:30
I went to an excellent counselor. She taught me some CBT techniques that did work well for me. I was resistant to using medication (not a judgement at all, but I come from a background of alcoholism and recovery, and for me any drugs that alter my thought process are to be avoided) so I chose this counselor because she was not able to prescribe drugs.

Also, I have a great support system in my wife, she is tops. Do you have understanding help at home? My wife helps me get through the tough times, and will always listen when the fears come to the top. She is a great coach for anxiety.

I am not perfect, by any means, but I am waaaaay better than I was ten or twenty years ago.

30-08-18, 09:52
I’ve read a lot of positive things about CBT Therapy. I have quite a few therapists specializing in it close to where I live.

I don’t think this is covered under my health benefits, so I will probably end up paying for it, which I don’t mind as long as it works.

I hear you on medication. I went about 10 years ago because I couldn’t shake depression. I was diagnosed with all kinds of things and then put on medication for depression, another for anxiety and then because of those medications I couldn’t sleep so I was given sleeping pills. I feel like they didn’t listen/want to help, but rather just wanted to sell the big pharma on me.
I quit the medication and I honestly don’t feel like I needed it/had a depressive disorder.
It was more situational depression for me.

Since then no depression/social anxiety. It’s just been health anxiety.

Edit: Yes, I do have support at home. I don’t think my partner completely understands it, but she’s always willing to listen and talk me down.