View Full Version : Don't fit in.

17-08-07, 14:24
I work with nice people, but i get the feeling that i just don't fit in with them. Minus the mental health problems that i have, i still feel that i am different. I've always felt like this, every job i had, friends i *USE* to have. I'm the person that puts themselves down before anyone else gets the chance to.

It feels so lonely, and what with my marital issues i KNOW i am not what my husband wants in a wife.

I would love someone to sit me down and tell me why i am the butt of jokes and an easy target for p*ss taking.

When i went into work last Saturday i was working with a girl who i've not worked with before. She said to me "I was told i was working with mental Sarah, but i wasn't sure who they meant." How lovely is that? That is what the customers think of me....MENTAL SARAH!

17-08-07, 14:38

How you perceive yourself isn't necessarily how others see you. I am sure many people like you, but anxiety/depression makes the sufferer take a dim view of themselves.

And I would not get too hung up on the Mental Sarah comment, all it takes is one person to not get on with you, then apply a nickname (childish really).

The last place I worked a few years ago, (when anxiety was high and my patience was low) I found out I was nicknamed Mad Mac, and was considered "unstable" under pressure (some ppl just don't like watching a man have a full blown rattle out the pram tantrum when its all going wrong ;) ).

Don't try too hard to fit in, be yourself, take others as you find them, and the nice people will be friendly back.



17-08-07, 14:57
Are you sure they are all nice? Nice people don't tend me call other people 'mental'! I have never fitted in ever - school, work and even my own family I occasionally think I don't fit in, which is wrong as I do fit in there at least.

Remember a lot of people have mental health problems we're not the only ones and we probably don't stand out to others as much as we may think. :hugs:

17-08-07, 15:01
Obviously no, they are not nice, which makes me feel even more uncomforable. I hadn't thought of it in that way - i am so stupid.

17-08-07, 15:04
You're not stupid, people who make up stupid names for other people are the stupid ones. :D

17-08-07, 15:13
Hi Sarah, people say some stupid things, mostly 'cause they are lacking brain cells.
Believe in yourself, don't put yourself down Sarah.

Choose your way of life and stick to your values.
Those that can't accept you will have to pass you by.

Somebody once told me, "You need to love yourself before others will love you". There is truth in that don't you think?


17-08-07, 16:10
I cant believe someone called you that how pathetic, its like what you do in school! Please dont listen to them...the kind of people who say things like that aren't worth listening to! I mean how on earth are you mental? I dont even know you, but i know people who are 'actually' mental have brain damage etc and couldnt even have a job or be on this board. If its cos shes heard you suffer from panic then in that case were all mental! But i do understand it being upsetting, i know i can be quite paranoid that people dont like me and a comment like that would get to me too! But as someone has already said one persons opinion doesnt equal the opinion of everyone else at work!
Dave777 is totally right...try to love yourself and then these worries may go away:hugs: xxx

18-08-07, 04:21
Hi Sarah

Some people can be very harsh and stupid and pathetic and...................

I feel for you in your work situation, I worked thru panic for many many years and was always treated differently, even badly because we are seen as weak if we suffer with nerve problems. I am agora now and although I hate it, I don't have to deal with these people anymore:mad:

I have been on this earth for nearly 50 years and I can count on one hand how many genuenly (sp) nice people I have met. I don't mean internet because I haven't met them.

I became far too cynical, don't let that happen to you:) tell yourself that these people are trash and that you are a nice person with a problem!:yesyes:
Take care,

18-08-07, 04:38

I have read a few of your posts and you put yourself down really badly:hugs:
I really think you would benefit from building of your self esteem. I know it can't be easy with the marital probs you have at mo and how you feel.

You are a lovely person, who seems to me to take everything and dissect it then come to the conclusion it is your fault. It is not hun.

Look, try not to get too worked up about work. People say things not knowing how bad it makes us feel and we don't have the courage to say.

At work recently, a manger told a temp member of staff 'there will probably be jobs coming up soon as the longer serving staff(me) can't handle change'

then on weds the same staff member handed me the internal jobs paper
'here, you might want this'

then today....I phoned my work and said 'I am not coming in today....I have flipped' .........so plenty of scope there for them to talk about me.:blush:

I have given up caring tho. Not about life, about work and the stuff they say. I have had to harden myself to it as you get people like it everywhere hun:hugs:


18-08-07, 11:47
I've also always thought like this, I think a major part of the problem is as anxiety sufferers we think to much of what other people think of us. It shouldn't matter what others think of us, as long as we are happy within our selves thats all that matter but unfortunatly anxiety sufferers always have a really low self esteem and its that which is making us suffer

21-08-07, 10:36
I feel like that often. I moved up to the Midlands to live with my boyfriend and despite me getting on with his mates and them all saying to him that he should "keep hold of me", I still feel like I am intruding on his life and that his mates see me as a "hanger on".

But I know deep down its just because I have a low opinion of myself.

Those people you work with are just pathetic, and you shouldnt worry about what they think. You do fit in, you're just in a low place right now so you are bound to be sensitive and things tend to get magnified ten-fold.
