View Full Version : I have been on Citalopram for two weeks and feeling the same

31-08-18, 06:48
I will start from the beginning...About 10 years ago I started taking citalopram 20mg and after 4 years I stopped taking them and had a relapse after 1 year and had to start taking them again. It was all fine. Last March I tried to stop them again, but this month I had a relapse (after 5 months). My doctor told me to take 10mg for the 1st 6 days and then continue with 20mg. Now I have been taking them for 2 weeks and I am feeling the same...heart palpitations and dizziness and I cannot walk straight since I am shaky. I am afraid of going out except for work since it's obligatory!! For the first few days I had insomnia...I woke up at 3am and could not sleep again. He gave me also flaunxol 1mg to ease anxiety until citalopram starts working...but it's useless. I am afraid that they will not work and remain with anxiety!!

31-08-18, 12:48

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your post was moved from its original place to a sub-forum that is more relevant to your issue.

This is nothing personal - it just enables us to keep posts about the same problems in the relevant forums so other members with any experience with the issues can find them more easily.

Please also read this post:


31-08-18, 12:49
It could taken longer than 2 weeks to work

Are you getting any other help with anxiety?

31-08-18, 22:13
I think most people on citalopram will agree that after 2 weeks they didn't feel any better - I know I didn't. They will help, they will make you feel better, let them slowly do their job and try to do some other things to boost your mood & relax in the mean time. You're doing incredibly well going to work every day - give yourself a HUGE amount of credit for that! After 2 weeks on Citalopram I was still lay on the sofa, shaking like a leaf and terrified to go outside. You know they will help eventually, keep putting one foot in front of the other until then. You got this!

01-09-18, 07:51
Believe me when I tell you that you are doing fine. Citalopram is only a part of the solution. When it starts to work, you will know, although it may take some time to take effect.

For me, it was twelve weeks before I saw any benefit. I know that amount of time can seem discouraging when you are looking for results now, but the time does pass. You've just got to hang in there. And if a weak-willed, lily-livered wimp like me can do it, then you will have no problems.

When it did start to work, and the anxiety lessened, it then allowed me to put things into perspective and work upon the root cause of my anxiety - which was, and to a degree, still is, health anxiety. Oddly enough, I believed that I was going to live forever, and that any illness, perceived or real, was something to be feared mightily. Following the calming effect of Citalopram, I was able to re-frame my thinking on mortality, and come to terms with it.

So - now I know I'm going to live forever, and illness does not overly concern me......(joke) :roflmao:

I wish you well. Stay with the medication if at all possible. Having said that, it is not suitable for all. If, after 3 months there appears to be no improvement, then I would recommend that you discuss continuation with your GP.

02-09-18, 09:43
It was at least 12 weeks before I started to notice any difference.. You need to give it time.

23-10-18, 16:54
At 2 weeks I felt worse than before I started my meds. At 1 month I went to my doctor in tears because I was sick of feeling so bad. About a week later things started getting a little better. I’m at month three and mostly better—even periods of almost normalcy!!—although I’ve been having a “blip” (especially the last two days) of significantly increased anxiety again. It’s kind of a roller coaster, but I know from the last time I was on cit that it will eventually level out and I’ll feel like a person again! It just takes time (which feels like forever!)