View Full Version : Lump under tounge :(

31-08-18, 14:21
I haven't posted in a while ( even though I wanted to) because I've really been working on my anxiety and doing pretty well lately. Anyway, I'm scared and I'm waiting on a dental appointment but it's not until 9/26. On Tuesday afternoon I randomly felt a lump with my tounge while driving in the car. It's below my bottom teeth under my tounge on the left side. It's like where my gums connect with the underneath of my tounge. It feels like a firm small marble or large pea. It doesn't move. I can't see it visually only feel it with my tounge or finger. I know it hasnt always been there noway I wouldn't have ever noticed it. It doesn't hurt unless I really press on it with my finger, then it aches. I'm 33 female, I've never smoked and I don't drink at all. My HA is scaring me into fearing Oral C. Especially since I have 2 lymph nodes I can feel on that side of my neck. My rational side is saying it's something that'll probably go down but my fear is getting the best of me. I have an appointment with my dentist but it's not for 4 weeks. Anyone ever had anything like this?

31-08-18, 14:33
A few times...various lumps/bumps etc. I’m a drinker and used to smoke/chew, so they always freaked me out. All but 1 have been nothing and the 1 was a simple root canal. Every time I’d go in thinking the worst and the dentist would look at it for 2 seconds and say it’s nothing.
As a young female who doesn’t smoke or drink, your risk for oral cancer is about as close to 0 as it can be.

31-08-18, 14:44
A few times...various lumps/bumps etc. I’m a drinker and used to smoke/chew, so they always freaked me out. All but 1 have been nothing and the 1 was a simple root canal. Every time I’d go in thinking the worst and the dentist would look at it for 2 seconds and say it’s nothing.
As a young female who doesn’t smoke or drink, your risk for oral cancer is about as close to 0 as it can be.

Thank you for your reply! I really appreciate it. I know my risk is very low, my rational side knows that. I've just never had anything like this before. And what bumps I have had usually went away in a couple days. This hasn't budged at all since I noticed it. :/ It's so creepy feeling. It's under the skin from.what I can tell. I can slide the skin over it but the lump itself doesn't move.

31-08-18, 18:13
Is it on the floor of your mouth or low down on the gumline? It's just I have two lumps how you are describing very low down on my gums that I can feel with my tongue. The kind of sit just on the gum almost resting on the floor of my mouth.

They are called mandibular tori and are benign they are a bit like bone spurs and can occur on one side or both.

I've had mine years but for some reason started worrying about it years ago. I mentioned it to my hygienist who said never worry because they would always pick up anything suspicious and knew they were there. She never mentioned it as she knew they were benign and assumed I wasn't worried about it either.

It sounds very similar and if that's what it is then you really don't need to worry it's benign, I don't normally advise google, but if you google you'll see it on images.

31-08-18, 20:28
Thank you for your reply Munchlet! It sits on the inside of my bottom teeth just below the first molar almost at the floor of my mouth, under my tounge on the left side. It feels like a small marble. If I press on it with my finger it kinda aches or stings a little. I can't visable see it just feel it with my tounge or finger. I really appreciate your reassurance! I did Google about a tori a couple days ago and it describes it pretty well except those seem further up near the teeth. Also, I really don't think this was there a few weeks ago because I was actually focusing on this area because I thought it felt fuller or different from the other side and I don't recall it being there. It's kinda hard to miss

31-08-18, 21:47
Mine isn't near my teeth it almost sits on the floor of my mouth if that makes sense. It's not on the floor but is very low down on the gum line. If it's any consolation I just read an article which said the average age for them developing is 34, so it could be that one has just developed. It does sound like it from what you describe. I'm sure you'll get reassurance when you see the dentist.

31-08-18, 22:41
Mine isn't near my teeth it almost sits on the floor of my mouth if that makes sense. It's not on the floor but is very low down on the gum line. If it's any consolation I just read an article which said the average age for them developing is 34, so it could be that one has just developed. It does sound like it from what you describe. I'm sure you'll get reassurance when you see the dentist.

Yep, that's exactly where mine is at. Is yours feel like a marble or big pea? Thank you again!!

01-09-18, 08:43
Mine is a bit bigger than a pea and feels really hard but then I guess bone is hard so kind of makes sense. That's what scared me about it the most when I was having a panic.

I really think yours sounds the same and it sounds like it's really common.

01-09-18, 09:02
Mine is a bit bigger than a pea and feels really hard but then I guess bone is hard so kind of makes sense. That's what scared me about it the most when I was having a panic.

I really think yours sounds the same and it sounds like it's really common.

I think I have this too. Discovered it yesterday and I am so scared :( it is on the lower gum in front of my teeth and is hard like bone I don’t have it on the other side and I’m not sure if I’ve always had it or not it’s so scary. I’m going to make an appointment at the dentists because I’m not sure if a doctor is the person to go to if it’s mouth related. I really hope it’s nothing sinister.

01-09-18, 13:24
I think I have this too. Discovered it yesterday and I am so scared :( it is on the lower gum in front of my teeth and is hard like bone I don’t have it on the other side and I’m not sure if I’ve always had it or not it’s so scary. I’m going to make an appointment at the dentists because I’m not sure if a doctor is the person to go to if it’s mouth related. I really hope it’s nothing sinister.

Does it feel like a marble or pea? Mine is on the inside of my teeth on the bottom near the floor of my mouth..

01-09-18, 14:24
Mine is hard and marble like I would say mine is in front of bottom teeth but coming out of gum. I felt the other side and have a slight hard bump there but this one is larger than it so maybe it is meant to be there but I have no idea because I’ve never experienced it before.

01-09-18, 17:27
Mine is hard and marble like I would say mine is in front of bottom teeth but coming out of gum. I felt the other side and have a slight hard bump there but this one is larger than it so maybe it is meant to be there but I have no idea because I’ve never experienced it before.

I have what nyour describing, too. I think it's just the root of your tooth. One side is bigger than the other as well.

01-09-18, 18:37
How did you discover yours? I find mine with my finger because I started getting an obsession with finding things wrong in my mouth so had to check it all over and guess what I managed to find something to scare myself!!

01-09-18, 18:39
How did you discover yours? I find mine with my finger because I started getting an obsession with finding things wrong in my mouth so had to check it all over and guess what I managed to find something to scare myself!!

Just randomly with my tounge. I wasn't looking for anything just happened. :(

01-09-18, 19:27
Keep in mind that things feel much bigger in your mouth when you feel them with your tongue (that's what she said). I have no recollection of where I read that, but I remember reading something about how there's an actual phenomenon by which anything you touch with your tongue feels significantly larger than it actually is. This is almost certainly the case here since you can't see it. It could just be a small cyst or pimple. Once in a while I get small lumps that eventually burst just like pimples, but they're in my mouth.

02-09-18, 04:50
Keep in mind that things feel much bigger in your mouth when you feel them with your tongue (that's what she said). I have no recollection of where I read that, but I remember reading something about how there's an actual phenomenon by which anything you touch with your tongue feels significantly larger than it actually is. This is almost certainly the case here since you can't see it. It could just be a small cyst or pimple. Once in a while I get small lumps that eventually burst just like pimples, but they're in my mouth.

Thank you for your reply! I'm just praying it goes away..

13-09-18, 19:08
I have this too! Always have. It's all the way on the left side, mid mouth. if you were to move that b over to the left thats where mine is https://imgur.com/a/eWVktky