View Full Version : Knee pain? Could it be a blood clot?

31-08-18, 19:43
I just joined a gym about two months ago to lose some weight and start focusing on a healthier lifestyle. I'm in the gym 4 hours a week for HIIT training, and I'm eating a low carb diet. So there are actually two things worrying me. First, about 2-3 weeks in to me joining the gym, I started having some pain in the back of my leg. I began modifying workouts, and have even gone to a physical therapist a few times now. The pain has definitely lessened, but it just isn't going away. It hurts when I stretch my leg out straight, or when I lift it. It's right behind my knee. The PT said it was strained calf muscles. He has given me stretches, and dry needled it, and my trainer continues to modify workouts for me. At this point, shouldn't a muscle strain be healed? It's been almost 6 weeks and the pain still lingers. Could this be a blood clot? My other worry - I have been working out like crazy and dieting pretty strictly and I've only lost 10lbs in two months. Could there be some underlying health issue causing me to hold on to weight? I'm 31 years old, female, currently weigh 193lbs and want to get down to the 150s. My annual physical is scheduled for October, but I'm going to see my doctor in two weeks for some peace of mind. Of course, now that I'm in a panic cycle, I'm yawning like crazy, feel hot and clammy, and just exhausted. Keep feeling moments of racing heart and can't get a full, deep breath. Not sleeping well, either. Also, in the midst of all this, my 11 year-old dog died unexpectedly so it's just been a rough time. I'm trying to do all the right things to get healthy and it's somehow causing more panic.