View Full Version : Relapse, going back on Flouxetine

01-09-18, 14:36
Hi All,

I have been coming off Fluoxetine slowly since January and came off permanently about 5 weeks ago, (after 9 years)

I started to feel a little down last week, crying over the smallest things and wondering what was wrong with me. Then boom, hello anxiety!! No sleep, palpitations, overwhelming worry, nausea, you know the normal, have been like this for a few days. Get snippets of normality (quick eat something!!) and then I get the adrenalin rush! (feel sick)

If I look back I should have read the signs. 18 months ago, I lost my amazing brother at the age of 51, then a year later we lost his beautiful wife, leaving 3 children. My mum has Alzheimer's, which is so hard to watch. Really I should have read the signs and stayed on them, (but I always know better)!

Now, should I go back on them? I remember the roller coaster ride from when I first went on them, it was so hard. Can anyone tell me if it's easier the 2nd time round? Does it also take the same amount of time to get in your system. I have had many blips along this journey and this is just one of them, I don't know how I do it, but I drag myself out, from my sleeping pill induced sleep (yes back on them, worrying about that as well) But if it helps I'm grabbing it! I go for a bike ride, shopping (food shopping is a mare, feel sick all the way round)!! I try not to stop, otherwise I will just sit and worry about it all. I'm not going to let this beat me.

I went to the doctor and he just put me on beta blockers, they just spin me out and I feel really dizzy. I have Fluoxetine tablets in my bag but I am reluctant to take them, I want to try so hard to do it without them. I am also on 50g of Trazadone at night.

Anyone who has success stories on going back or staying off please let me know.

Thanks for listening xz:whistles:

Pea Tear Griffin
14-09-18, 20:41
There isn't anything wrong with that if you really feel you need too although I can't relate if its easier to go back onto something as I don't take any medication.