View Full Version : Is it throat cancer? Please help

01-09-18, 19:21
Hi everyone
I had a cold and sore throat about 4 months ago, for some stupid reason I decided to shine a torch to look at the back of my throats and I saw a yellow coloured circular spot/cyst/ulcer?!?

I went to a doctor who couldn't see it, so then I went to another doctor who said yes I can see no that's nothing to worry about it's a cyst and it'll take a while but it should go... 3 months past and it was still there so I went back to the doctors who gave me antibiotics & said if it hasn't gone after that then he'll send me to the ENT who may want to put a camera down my throat! I freaked out, being so frustrated I decided to use a cottonbud to mess with it and it kind of just turned red the doctor thought that it was the antibiotics doing its job (I never told him I'd messed with it :blush:) so he said that's nothing to worry about and sent me on my way, and told me to get more rest, but now it's returning again and it's worrying me and I don't know what to do, do I go back again to the doctors? Or just stop looking at it? My throats doesn't hurt at all, I am tired but looking after a toddler so don't get much rest!

It says on the internet that cysts that don't go away after two weeks should be checked out, mines been here for at least 4 months that I know of!!! Please help me x

01-09-18, 19:32
Here is a photo

01-09-18, 19:32
I'm a Stage IVa Head and Neck cancer survivor.

Cancer is an uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells. It doesn't come and go nor does it stop once it starts.

In the time since you noticed it, you would be considerably more ill. STOP POKING AND PRODDING! You're only hindering it's healing!

Positive thoughts

01-09-18, 19:35
Hi there
Thank you so much for your reply, and I hope you are better now, I'm sorry I feel terrible for being over dramatic when there are people out there who actually have cancer, do you think I should go back to the doctors or just ignore it, thank you

01-09-18, 22:07
My throat looks EXACTLY the same....

01-09-18, 23:11

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02-09-18, 08:08
SO do you think I should go back to the doctors because it hasn't healed yet? It's just because I read that any non healing mouth or throat thing should be checked out and he was going to send me to an ent doctor, it's worrying me the fact it hasn't gone any yet and it's been months, I asked my dentist to look at it and he told me to go back to the doctor which I did, he never said it was something not to worry about which made me even worse :weep:

02-09-18, 12:55
Anyone? X

02-09-18, 14:48
SO do you think I should go back to the doctors because it hasn't healed yet? It's just because I read that any non healing mouth or throat thing should be checked out and he was going to send me to an ent doctor, it's worrying me the fact it hasn't gone any yet and it's been months, I asked my dentist to look at it and he told me to go back to the doctor which I did, he never said it was something not to worry about which made me even worse :weep:

well you have answered your own question really
and the answer is ( YES )

02-09-18, 15:09
Do you think it's cancerous?

02-09-18, 17:48
Do you think it's cancerous?

no now stop focusing all your energy on this because that's what is keeping it going xx

02-09-18, 18:32
Although the picture you put up has come down, I think what I saw was a normal “cobblestone throat”..... it’s just lumps of lymphatic tissue. As I said, mine is exactly the same. It’s not cancer

---------- Post added at 18:32 ---------- Previous post was at 18:30 ----------

I also worried about mine, incidentally (of course) until I found out what it was

03-09-18, 10:13
Thank you for replying to me, I showed an ENT a picture of my throat and he said that it is a lymphoid follicle, that swells and can look yellow when irritated by allergies etc... and it's nothing to worry about, they can be frozen off if it causes any symptoms like sore throat/dryness, but can just be left alone if not worrisome, why didn't my doctor just say this instead of saying I think it maybe a cyst or im not sure?? Anyway just thought I'd post to let anyone else know who has the same or is worried.
Best wishes