View Full Version : New and scared.

01-09-18, 22:27
I am new on this site and this is my first post.
I am kinda desperate and don't really know where else to turn.
I have 2 children and it seems like since I had them I have been experiencing anxiety. I became obsessed with the thought that something is going to happen to me.

I have been having all kinds of symptoms for the last five years.I have been to my doctor and the er more times than I even want to admit. I have had so many blood tests, heart monitors, endoscopy, ultrasounds, an mri....
When they tell me it's nothing the symptoms leave. I feel normal for a few days. Then I think about them or I start to feel stressed and before I know it they are all back. Some days I don't want to get up because I am scared of whatever feeling will happen that day.
I guess I will list my symptoms to see if maybe anyone can help or reassure me..
Heart palpitations
Fast or heavy heart beat
A flip flop feeling in my chest that feels like it's in my stomach too
Twitching eye and lip
Weak arms
Feeling like I am falling but in my head if that makes sense, like I am melting from inside.
Floaters in eyes
Jaw pain
Shoulder pain
Feeling little drops of water on my legs (no water though)
Legs that are working fine but for some reason they feel like they aren't. Like they are weak.
Throat feels like there is a lump that I can't swallow feels like I might choke.
There are other symptoms I am sure.. But I can't think of them at the moment.
Sorry for the long post. I feel like I can't talk to my family or husband. They seem annoyed and just tell me I am fine.

01-09-18, 22:34
Hello and welcome!
Get a cup of tea and pull up a chair, we are your people!
Every single symptom you have described is classic anxiety. If you look somewhere on this sight anxiety symptoms are described in more detail - you will see many of the are familiar. They are familiar to me too, as is the origins of your anxiety- mine also started after the birth of my children
Good luck. You are not alone

01-09-18, 23:15
Read this:


01-09-18, 23:30
Thanks, you guys.
I read the article, it was better than most I have read online. It really covered everything.
I also get muscle pain mostly in my legs and neck, and eye pain. I was sure I had glaucoma for a while. This is horrible.
I don't know what caused this health anxiety to start besides maybe a fear of leaving my kids.
I have tried different diets and supplements I read about online, none are any help. I am just becoming afraid of food too, dairy, gluten everything. I am desperate I guess I just want to feel better. :weep:

02-09-18, 02:05
Kittenrain .. interesting that you mentioned your HA since you had your kids, I feel like that is when mine really ramped up too. Although thinking back as far as I can remember I was always worried about something, it's escalated when I had my first child.

For me too, it was the fear of leaving them motherless.