View Full Version : I just saw a rat.

01-09-18, 22:37
I JUST SAW A RAT RUN BEHIND THE SOFA, my brother and mum tried to find it for me but they couldnt see it and they think I am lying. I ordered rat posion but it will come on monday. I am so scared. I dont know how I will sleep. I have locked myself in my room. I am terrified to knoq there is a rat lurking in my house somewhere. Pls help

01-09-18, 23:14
How do you know it was a rat? It is very unlikely they would come in the house.

01-09-18, 23:23
How do you know it was a rat? It is very unlikely they would come in the house.

I know I saw a rat or a mouse. I saw its tail, I saw it run behind the sofa. I dont know where it went after that. I am so scared.

01-09-18, 23:41
Well it won't want to hunt you down and kill you so you will be fine.

A mouse tail is massively different to a rats tail to be honest.

02-09-18, 02:48
Mice are a lot smaller than rats and there tails aren't as long with them being smaller. Rats are usually pretty big.

You will be fine. Lock it in the room if you want and then you will know it's in there somewhere until someone can move stuff around and find it.

If you had a cat it would already be running for it's life! :winks:

It could have been Rodney Trotter's clip on ponytail (for fans of Only Fools And Horses) :biggrin: