View Full Version : Lymph Node Cancer?

02-09-18, 04:24

For about 1/2 years now i have been able to feel my lymph nodes in my under my jaw when I use my fingers to push in, I can also feel them on my groin when I slightly push in near there.

The lymph nodes at the front of my jaw towards my chin are less than 2 cm in size but when I further back they feel harder and at the very back of below my jaw on both sides there is like a hard bit on both sides does anyone else have this. Is this something to worry about?

On to my the lymph nodes i can feel on my thigh near the groin, they are aren't round lymph nodes they go longways and are quite easy to feel.

I am 5'11, 17 years old, 5'11, nearly 6'0. I weigh 58k (9.1 stone, 127 pounds) so yes I am skinny.

I also get the symptom of feeling tired but my sleeping schedule is bad, I would usually stay up all night and not get to sleep till about 6/7 am then sleep to about 2/3/4 pm most days. I also don't exercise at all anymore.
I have very bad generalised anxiety and sometimes have small panic attacks due to overthinking about my health, life etc.

But when I am sick the right side of my lymph nodes under my jaw flare up and are sore to touch.

Could this be lymph node cancer?

03-09-18, 00:33
Hi Jack,

There are so many posts regarding this exact fear. I myself had severe HA last year about my glands.

However let's put this into perspective;

1) There are over 700 glands in our body.
2) You say you are slim, that means you will be able to feel them easier.
3) 1/2 is a long time for something sinister like lymphoma. You would be really very ill by now and the glands would be HUGE and rock hard.
4) Glands flare up when your body is fighting illness and infection.

So I would say you don't need to be worrying as much as you are. I would suggest speak to a GP about your worries. Pretty sure they will confirm your fears need not be there.

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03-09-18, 01:32
Hi Jack,

There are so many posts regarding this exact fear. I myself had severe HA last year about my glands.

However let's put this into perspective;

1) There are over 700 glands in our body.
2) You say you are slim, that means you will be able to feel them easier.
3) 1/2 is a long time for something sinister like lymphoma. You would be really very ill by now and the glands would be HUGE and rock hard.
4) Glands flare up when your body is fighting illness and infection.

So I would say you don't need to be worrying as much as you are. I would suggest speak to a GP about your worries. Pretty sure they will confirm your fears need not be there.

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And with 2 months, would there be change? Or the malignant lymph nodes take longer to grow.

03-09-18, 01:36
Glands that are bad, grow rapidly and won't stop. They also go rock hard, literally think of a golf ball. I must add that glands that are swollen for a few weeks are common. However if they become hard, immovable and large and continue to grow. See a doctor :)

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03-09-18, 02:06
Glands that are bad, grow rapidly and won't stop. They also go rock hard, literally think of a golf ball. I must add that glands that are swollen for a few weeks are common. However if they become hard, immovable and large and continue to grow. See a doctor :)

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I already have 2 months, I have been to 5 doctors, I have done ultrasound, and in the report they seem to be reactive lymph nodes, but I believe that in 2 months they should have disappeared. One of the doctors said they could last for months until they subside.

03-09-18, 02:11
And with 2 months, would there be change? Or the malignant lymph nodes take longer to grow.

Actually, it's the opposite. In the 6 months between first having swollen nodes, it went from a small grape to two 5cm+ cancerous nodes in my neck. You didn't have to go digging either.

Determining node size is a challenge even for a medical professional. There's no way a layman can do so and besides, your anxiety will exaggerate things as well.

Also, you're 17 and that's not even in the range of the demographic for cancer.

Positive thoughts

03-09-18, 02:30
Actually, it's the opposite. In the 6 months between first having swollen nodes, it went from a small grape to two 5cm+ cancerous nodes in my neck. You didn't have to go digging either.

Determining node size is a challenge even for a medical professional. There's no way a layman can do so and besides, your anxiety will exaggerate things as well.

Also, you're 17 and that's not even in the range of the demographic for cancer.

Positive thoughts

but did you notice the gradual increase? I say because my doubt is 2 months already would have changed in size?

04-09-18, 02:17
I don't want to alarm you and I am not saying you have cancer but as someone who had Hodgkin's Lymphoma at a young age I think it is worth having checked out. It is not always an aggressive, fast growing cancer.

And typically, no, 17 isn't in the realm the age range that have cancer but hodgkin's is the most commonly diagnosed cancer in ages 15-19. It is very treatable if that is what it is so while scary please seek the care of a doctor.

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04-09-18, 02:28
I don't want to alarm you and I am not saying you have cancer but as someone who had Hodgkin's Lymphoma at a young age I think it is worth having checked out. It is not always an aggressive, fast growing cancer.

And typically, no, 17 isn't in the realm the age range that have cancer but hodgkin's is the most commonly diagnosed cancer in ages 15-19. It is very treatable if that is what it is so while scary please seek the care of a doctor.

I hear you and I'm a survivor as well but read the original post and the behaviors and you'll see that all the symptoms have rational explanations and the OP is looking for reassurance. Granted, we're not medical doctors nor can diagnose but I'm willing to put a tenner that the "Told Ya So Gang" would be waiting for the doctor's diagnosis :winks:

Positive thoughts

04-09-18, 02:31
I read the original post. My opinion is the OP should get to a real doctor. All the reassurance in the world wouldn't have made my swollen lymph nodes not cancer.
I hear you and I'm a survivor as well but read the original post and the behaviors and you'll see that all the symptoms have rational explanations and the OP is looking for reassurance. Granted, we're not medical doctors nor can diagnose but I'm willing to put a tenner that the "Told Ya So Gang" would be waiting for the doctor's diagnosis :winks:

Positive thoughts

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04-09-18, 12:01
I don't want to alarm you and I am not saying you have cancer but as someone who had Hodgkin's Lymphoma at a young age I think it is worth having checked out. It is not always an aggressive, fast growing cancer.

And typically, no, 17 isn't in the realm the age range that have cancer but hodgkin's is the most commonly diagnosed cancer in ages 15-19. It is very treatable if that is what it is so while scary please seek the care of a doctor.

Sent from my VS995 using Tapatalk

Wow, now I was totally terrified by this statement .... I'm desperate ...

04-09-18, 12:39
I don't want to alarm you and I am not saying you have cancer but as someone who had Hodgkin's Lymphoma at a young age I think it is worth having checked out. It is not always an aggressive, fast growing cancer.

And typically, no, 17 isn't in the realm the age range that have cancer but hodgkin's is the most commonly diagnosed cancer in ages 15-19. It is very treatable if that is what it is so while scary please seek the care of a doctor.

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I really don’t think you should have posted this especially on a health anxiety forum this is going to bring nothing but fear and panic to the op

04-09-18, 12:41
I would not worry OP, just see a GP.

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04-09-18, 12:45
I would not worry OP, just see a GP.

Sent from my SM-G950F using Tapatalk

And when you consulted 5 doctors, they did blood tests and ultrasound took antibiotics and anti-inflammatories for 7 days and still the ganglion continues the ...

04-09-18, 13:02
I read the original post. My opinion is the OP should get to a real doctor. All the reassurance in the world wouldn't have made my swollen lymph nodes not cancer.

Sure... we're not doctors, but poking and prodding until you find a node and then going down the Dr. Google rabbit hole and posting on an anxiety forum indicates a well known HA pattern. In the 6 months since discovering the node(s), they haven't grown. I don't know about your cancer, but I do know of others that had lymphoma and in my case Head and Neck cancer and in the 6 months from the time I had the nodes in my neck come up (visibly... I didn't have to poke and prod), it looked like I had the mumps on the left side of my neck!

All you did with your post is scare the bejeebers out of already anxious people. Sure... see a doctor. I'll have the "Told Ya So Gang" on standby ;)

Positive thoughts