View Full Version : Anxiety about vision

02-09-18, 15:16
Don't know if anybody here reading this has anxiety about vision problems specifically but if you have health anxiety maybe you can relate to this. I was recently delighted to get over my fear of a rare condition and managed to convince myself I don't have it, it turned out to be something else that was harmless. Just as I was starting to get over that issue I started getting worried about my heart instead (which I'd worried about before) This went away on my first day on holiday, but I started to see black dots on the table and in the sky which really concerned me. I managed to reassure myself of this issue eventually and told myself it was because my sunglasses weren't very good and it's really bright. My problem went away for about a few days but then it came back again and instead of just being during the day I see it a lot in the dark as well but they look different in the dark. I tend to see them all the time now but I'm not sure if it's just because I'm thinking about it all the time so I'm sub-consciously trying to look for them and then notice them. But they look different inside than outside like I said. If I look at the sky they are more significant and I sometimes can see something that sort of looks like little white shooting stars (that I know is not something that's actually there) I can see squiggly lines in the dark and can't seem to remember if I always have and never payed attention to it. My vision doesn't seem as great as it used to (but I'm not sure if I'm just imagining it) and looking at certain things seems to make my eyes go funny (like a blank wall, or curtains for example) as well as getting ghosted images like seeing a light for a longer time than usual after looking away or from it or blinking after looking it and sort of seeing it with my eyes closed (if that makes sense) I had stabbing pains in one of my eyes the one day which went away after like a day but my eyelashes are a little funny on that eye and touch it sometimes so that could be the explanation for that symptom but I'm not sure because it burned sometimes too and was worse when I wake up in the morning. I think that symptom may have been a coincidence along with the others but again I'm not sure I've been getting a lot of headaches recently as well along with the dizziness that seemed to accompany my heart concerns before. It hurts too look at really bright lights and I'd been wearing sunglasses at night when I'd been getting really bad headaches. But it can hurt to look at a light even without a headache present sometimes. I just got back from holiday today so I'm going to the doctors tomorrow to express the concerns. And maybe to Specsavers as well. I looked up my symptoms on google. I know I shouldn't but sometimes I can't help but look to try to find reassurance rather than something scary and detached retina was coming up with really scared me because I'd heard about this in the past and it obviously sounds completely terrible. I could have sworn one of my eyes flashed a few times but I'm aware that's a symptom of what I'm afraid so hopefully that's just health anxiety, but again I don't know what to believe. I'm also worried about brain related issues and just vision problems in general. Anyway sorry this was so long and rambley.
Does anybody have similar experiences or advice? Thanks in advance.

02-09-18, 18:43
Garden-variety floaters. Google it. They say you don't seem in the dark, but if you are hyperfocused on your vision, you will see them even better at night. Don't worry unless you get a sudden increase of them in one eye, see a veil obscuring your vision, or start seeing flashes (like lightning or a camera going off). I started getting floaters when I was about 12. They are just vitreous gel characteristics. Some people have more, some less. Some people's brain's just tune them out. The more you look for them, the worse it will seem. Try to let your brain do its thing, which is to tune out extraneous information. You don't want to rewire it to pay attention to this nonsense ;)

03-09-18, 16:43
Thanks for your reassuring reply. I seen a doctor about this today and they looked at my eye and done some basic vision tests (without the fancy machines) and everything seemed okay. I told her about my anxiety and asked if my anxiety could be causing me to be more aware of these things and she completely agrees but said to get an eye test to be thorough. I booked an appointment with specsavers and told them my symptoms, the eye floaters, the headache and how I see a light after looking away from it sometimes. They said they consider it an emergency and I have a free appointment on Thursday I was reassured by the doctor but when specsavers said the word emergency it kind of freaked me out. I didn't tell specsavers about my anxiety incase they didn't give me an appointment.