View Full Version : Brain Tumour or Aneurysm?

02-09-18, 16:21
I've suffered with HA for the last 9 years on and off. About 8 weeks ago I sneezed and got a stabbing pain in my head which continued for days every time I sneezed then faded away over time and I started getting pains in my right temple the odd time primarily during the evening but every single day. Stabbing pains that would come and go for 5-10 mins. I visited the GP, not my regular one 5 weeks ago and he did a thorough neurological test on my balance, strength, co-ordination and checked into my eyes and said he was 100% happy I was fine.

I went to my regular GP a week later and he prescribed a corticosteroids spray which I am just finishing up as he believes its sinus related. I'm still getting, stabbing pains in my right temple every day and sometimes when I cough (chesty) or sneeze a certain way get an ache in the top of my head (if your head had corners, it would be the right corner). Sitting, standing, walking the stabbing pain appears so no trigger I can identify.

I have a cleft pallet so my right nasal passage is very narrow and causes me sinus problems on the right side, blood shot eye, pain in cheek during the year, I also have post nasal drip every morning.

Sometimes the stabbing pain can last hour on and off but mainly is for 5-15mins 3/4 times a day. I have also noticed me forgetting words from time to time and feeling 'off' when walking, not exactly dizzy or off balance but something just doesn't feel right, occasionally my legs may feel heavy for a few seconds then passes. I dont have headaches in the morning or anything like that so far so is it a brain tumor or the warning signs of an aneursym? Its something that I am constantly thinking about and every time I get the ache in my head from coughing or sneezing I think its a cough headache which is a warning sign of a tumour/aneurysm.

Anyone else have these symptoms?

10-09-18, 13:00
So as an update I have an MRI tomorrow and am pretty worried about it. Have had pressure in the right side of my head all weekend with pain coming and going. Also with my sinuses I've been getting the pain in my head every time I cough or sneeze and today I been speaking with a few people in work and have had word salad where I try to say a word and some gibberish word comes out and I have to stop for a second to think to then correct myself with the right word and that's happened a couple of times in the last few weeks.

I don't think its the MRI that's worrying me so much its just a test it's what its going to find.

10-09-18, 13:18
So as an update I have an MRI tomorrow and am pretty worried about it. Have had pressure in the right side of my head all weekend with pain coming and going. Also with my sinuses I've been getting the pain in my head every time I cough or sneeze and today I been speaking with a few people in work and have had word salad where I try to say a word and some gibberish word comes out and I have to stop for a second to think to then correct myself with the right word and that's happened a couple of times in the last few weeks.

I don't think its the MRI that's worrying me so much its just a test it's what its going to find.

Which to that the MRI is going to find nothing. As a sinus sufferer I get pain like that all the time. I am just used to it.

10-09-18, 13:37
Wow. I’ve been suffering from this myself! It’s funny, because Dr Google says “cough headaches” are rare and yet everyone I’ve asked has had them, especially if they have a cold/sinus issues. Never trust Dr G.

10-09-18, 14:00
So you sneezed, feel pain in your head and have decided that it's either one of the two most lethal possible outcomes you could come up with, with the possible exception of being shot in the face?


11-09-18, 01:37
So you sneezed, feel pain in your head and have decided that it's either one of the two most lethal possible outcomes you could come up with, with the possible exception of being shot in the face?


I think if you read my original post and not just the update you would see there is more to my symptoms than a 'sneeze'

11-09-18, 11:22
I did read your original post, and you said the issues were triggered by a sneeze. This points to a pulled muscle, an irritated sinus or something else equally benign.

I'm trying to make light of a situation that you don't need to go down a dark hole over.

11-09-18, 12:30
How did the MRI go?

11-09-18, 14:16
How did the MRI go?

MRI went fine thanks for asking, wasn't a big fan of the cage being put over my face for the sinus bit but I don't think I was ever worried abut the MRI itself once I was in the machine it was just about deep breathing for 15 mins its the waiting now for the results that has me on edge.

I was give the disc with the scans on it but I gave it to my wife to keep away from me, I know I'd be the sort to put it in the laptop and start looking for any dark spots on the images for the brain tumour.

I just want to get the call from the doctor that the tests came back clear and not the nurses we need you to come in to talk about your scan results one, which would send me spiralling.

11-09-18, 16:55
MRI went fine thanks for asking, wasn't a big fan of the cage being put over my face for the sinus bit but I don't think I was ever worried abut the MRI itself once I was in the machine it was just about deep breathing for 15 mins its the waiting now for the results that has me on edge.

I was give the disc with the scans on it but I gave it to my wife to keep away from me, I know I'd be the sort to put it in the laptop and start looking for any dark spots on the images for the brain tumour.

I just want to get the call from the doctor that the tests came back clear and not the nurses we need you to come in to talk about your scan results one, which would send me spiralling.

Most likely you will be fine! If I was a gambling man I'd bet on the odds you are ok.

16-09-18, 18:06
Update: My MRI of my head and sinus both come back clear and doctor doesn't know what's causing the stabbing pains in my head or the pain when I cough/sneeze. I said I'd go to get my eyes tested which he agreed with and said if that didn't reveal anything i.e. l need glasses to go back to him. I'm still getting the pains in my head so can't explain what it could be caused by especially the cough headaches.

17-09-18, 08:51
Update: My MRI of my head and sinus both come back clear and doctor doesn't know what's causing the stabbing pains in my head or the pain when I cough/sneeze. I said I'd go to get my eyes tested which he agreed with and said if that didn't reveal anything i.e. l need glasses to go back to him. I'm still getting the pains in my head so can't explain what it could be caused by especially the cough headaches.

Great news!

03-10-19, 00:13
beacon of hope.
thanks for sharing !

03-10-19, 00:52
You said your right nostril is narrowed and you have sinus issues. Our sinus passages go all across the face, along cheekbones, up into the temples and over the eye. Since your pain is on the “right corner” of your head and your right nostril is narrowed...seems to me it’s all sinus related. Definitely not a tumor or aneurysm.