View Full Version : Memory/Cognitive Concerns

02-09-18, 21:58

I have struggled with HA since around 2006. I was able to keep it in check for the last 8 years or so. A little blip here or there but nothing major. Recently things have changed. I have been going through some marital trouble with my wife and think that may have been the trigger. The constant fear of the breakup of my family is always there. Over the last 4-5 months I started to notice a change in my memory. It is mostly about upcoming events and things I have recently done. For example what did I have for dinner last night? What was my meeting schedule the prior few days? What are our weekend plans? What did I do yesterday? It is a constant battle to keep track.

I can usually talk this through and come up with the answer but it can be a struggle. I was never this way prior. I have a sharp memory and great recall. Given that I am predisposed to HA and often catastrophize my symptoms, I automatically went to early onset Alzheimer's. I feel in a fog most of the time. And I am constantly testing my memory. Going back over my schedule, people that I met, their faces etc. It is consuming me.

I booked an appointment with a Neuro that specializes in memory loss. He gave me a test in the office that I passed. He then sent me for a battery of tests including MRI, Neuro Psych (4 hours of memory and cognitive testing) and an EEG of the brain. MRI was clear, Neuro Psych was clear and I await the EEG which assume will be fine.
All signs point to no neurological degenerative situation. However, the fear of this very real and scary symptom is overwhelming me as I have had HA for so long and never had a memory issue. Yesterday I started lexapro as I could not take the situation any longer. I hope that after a few weeks things will improve.

I wanted to ask if anyone else has experienced a situation similar. it is certainly helpful to know others have been there and it was indeed caused by anxiety/depression.
Appreciate any feedback.

Best of luck to all.
