View Full Version : Leftover damage from old ruptured ear drum?

04-09-18, 01:38

At work this past week they had one of those health screening deals where they check blood pressure, blood sugar, etc. to save money on health insurance. They also do a quick ear check. The doctor (or Nurse Practitioner?) asked if I have had a ruptured ear drum, I said yeh but many years ago when I was a kid and nothing else was mentioned and I was dismissed.

Of course my mind wonders later thinking on "what did he mean?! did he see something!?". The best I could find was he saw scar tissue on my ear drum. I've always had a minor decrease in hearing since my battery of ear issues when I was a kid, however, scarring was never mentioned to me before. Maybe that was all it was?

It has been years since I've seen a PCP. Ironically, I saw so many doctors for a different set of issues in the past few years but thinking back none ever checked my ears!

Thanks for any help!