View Full Version : Bubble feeling upper stomach? Aortic Aneurysm?

04-09-18, 05:01

so I notice when I physically press just to the left of my middle chest cartilage I can sometimes feel like a bulge area that feels a little bubbly inside my stomach. The location is the middle of my chest just to the left of that little "flap shaped like a triangle." I looked the "flap" up and it's called the Xiphoid process. Well, just to the left of that
(right under my left breast on the border/edge of the Xiphoid process) I can press an area and it feels like a bubble is in my stomach.

I am worried this may be an aortic anyurism. I am a 35 year old male that is tall and skinny. I have always worried about Marfans syndrome because I have many of the symptoms. I was just wondering if anyone else can feel this "bubble area" at all? I do not feel it under my right breast. It's only on the left side and there is a fullness feeling there too. But maybe this is a air bubble or gas bubble? I have been noticing it for many months. It kinda "clicks" when I press on it and usually I can feel it more when I am in a slumped over position (like sitting in chair and on computer.) Sometimes I can press on it and feel nothing abnormal but many times it will be like a bubble or bulge. There is no abnormal pulse that I can see or anything like that. But, I can always see my pulse slightly throughout my whole stomach. But nothing seems different over the "bubble feeling area" besides feeling more full maybe. Anyone else have this or any other idea what it could be? Thanks

05-09-18, 00:30
Does breathing really deeply resolve this bubble feeling a little? I think I get this too. It might be anxiety or gastric reflux or both?

05-09-18, 03:39
Does breathing really deeply resolve this bubble feeling a little? I think I get this too. It might be anxiety or gastric reflux or both?

Hi. No, breathing deeply does not seem to make a difference. I can press on it with my finger and it still feels like a bubble sometimes. I don't know what it could be besides something to do with the aorta.

05-09-18, 03:50
Hi. No, breathing deeply does not seem to make a difference. I can press on it with my finger and it still feels like a bubble sometimes. I don't know what it could be besides something to do with the aorta.

Your aorta is very very deep. I highly doubt it is that.

08-09-18, 14:31
Bring skinny you will see your pulse. Ive been through this last year. Gave myself all the aymptoms mate, including severe lower back pain, fullness in atomach, being able to feel my pulse etc. Nothing there, all created by my mind and my overthinking. Now i just need to apply this to my constant heart fears.