View Full Version : Armpit obsession

29-04-18, 12:52
I’ve just noticed this indent in my armpit, about an inch below where the hair grows. Sometimes I think it’s just an old scar and other times I cannot scare the fear that it could be a breast cancer symptom. I cannot get a GP appointment for two weeks! I was doing ok with my HA now I’m so scared again! :weep:4000

29-04-18, 12:58
OK, we aren't meant to made medical judgements on here, but aside from the picture I'm going from your description (and past history of posting here). This is illogical Limesline - why would breast cancer cause a tiny scar-like indentation under your arm?

If you had breast cancer you MIGHT (and I stress might as many don't have this) get swollen and enlarge lymph nodes under your arm, as the cancer spreads via your lymph system. However, you would also at this point have very obvious breast cancer - of which you would feel lump/s and have other symptomatic changes.

I think saying its a scar is the right way to go to reassure yourself....and no...I personally wouldn't waste the time of the doctor unless something majorly changed.

You need to stop searching, checking, trying to find tiny blemishes, dots, spots, marks and the rest. Anything that is more concerning will become obvious in my opinion, and won't need searching for.

29-04-18, 13:07
Thanks for your honesty Carys. HA does make me very illogical but breast cancer can present itself as puckering or dumpling hence my concern!

29-04-18, 13:10
Puckering or dimpling ON or IN the breast tissue first, not under the arm.

29-04-18, 13:11
Puckering or dimpling ON or IN the breast tissue first, not under the arm.

I thought breast tissue included armpit and collarbone? That’s where they tell you to cover when doing a breast exam?

29-04-18, 13:19
Yes, it does include those two areas, but if you have a look at this link (with attached images showing the things to look for) the skin puckering and dimpling/skin changes is on the breast.....check for swelling, lumps and pain in collarbone and underarm.


Breast tissue doesn't extend up under your arm, or to your collarbone- however the lymph system does and the lymph nodes.

29-04-18, 13:20

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your post was moved from its original place to a sub-forum that is more relevant to your issue.

This is nothing personal - it just enables us to keep posts about the same problems in the relevant forums so other members with any experience with the issues can find them more easily.

Please also read this post:


29-04-18, 13:20
Limeslime... really now? :huh: Stop trying to validate this irrational fear. Why were you even self examining your underarms that closely in the first place? The only time I even see mine is when I put on deodorant!

I would go to the doctor but not for this. I would go to discuss your HA because based on your post history, you're not doing as well as you think you are. While you're there you can ask about that "scar". The "Told ya so gang" will be standing by :winks:

Positive thoughts

29-04-18, 13:44
Limeslime... really now? :huh: Stop trying to validate this irrational fear. Why were you even self examining your underarms that closely in the first place? The only time I even see mine is when I put on deodorant!

I would go to the doctor but not for this. I would go to discuss your HA because based on your post history, you're not doing as well as you think you are. While you're there you can ask about that "scar". The "Told ya so gang" will be standing by :winks:

Positive thoughts

I noticed it by accident, but us girls are supposed to perform monthly breast checks anyway!

29-04-18, 14:20
Yes, thats a fair enough point, and we do remove hair under the arm...so yes, I accept that you would be looking there anyway.

29-04-18, 14:21
Ok. After lots of angling the mirror and twisting my neck to see, I actually do think it’s just a bit of skin puckering around an old white scar (no idea what from). I just went into panic mode at noticing something new. Man, this HA is a bitch! I hate feeling like this! But phew, panic averted! And thanks so much for the honesty and “pull yourself together” attitude! Sometimes it’s just what I need! :blush:

29-04-18, 14:37
Well, thats what this is all about, developing some perspective about what it serious and what is not serious. What needs checking medically and what doesn't. Now, you need to work on instead of jumping to cancer - the highest fear on the list and the least likely - starting at the bottom of the pyramid. BY that I mean; start considering the most likely reason for something e.g. an old scar on the skin. :winks: Oh and get used to things changing and developing new mystery lumps and bumps and marks - as you age it carries on in this fashion.

30-04-18, 18:35
Is this the same infected hair follicle that you said you'd had antibiotics to treat (on another thread you posted today I noticed you said that) ?

30-04-18, 20:44
Is this the same infected hair follicle that you said you'd had antibiotics to treat (on another thread you posted today I noticed you said that) ?

No it’s not. It’s the same arm, but the infection is higher up, out of shot. It’s like a red, painful, large boil! :notworthy::notworthy::notworthy:

30-04-18, 20:48
Oh ok, only that would have given a clear reason for the mark.

12-07-18, 20:29

I know this is an old post but in have something similar happening with my underarm. I have previously suffered with an armpit lump which went away but now this dumpling has appeared. My armpit is also very tender. I can feel any lumps I'm my breasts but also where they are large they are lumpy anyway. Does this look bad???

24-08-18, 18:50
Whyyyyyyy do I find symptoms on Friday when I cannot see a doctor til Monday!!!! Argh!!!

Ive just noticed a “thing” under my armpit. I’m not sure I can call it a lump, more of a fleshy worm-like structure under the skin, running from my upper, inner armpit downwards for about an inch. It DEFINITELY wasn’t there last week!!

I only noticed it cos there was a dull ache there.

Please help, I’m so worried!! I cannot cope with this all weekend. I have major cancer fear!!!

I don’t think it’s a lymph node due to it’s long shape, but I’m not a doctor! But you hear so much advice about looking for swellings and lumps in the underarm. And this has appeared from nowhere!!

26-08-18, 09:35
....or please could anyone tell me if they have had armpit lumps that turned out to be ok? I’m in a downward spiral here. My husband is away for the day so I have no company and too much time to dwell on this. I’m so frightened!

26-08-18, 17:59
Trying to keep calm but the lack of reassurance is shouting volumes!
Also, I’ve just remembered that it’s a bank holiday weekend so I have an extra day to wait before I can see a GP ��

04-09-18, 15:01
I cannot stop prodding my armpit! Totally convinced I can feel areas of thickening, but then other times I’m not so sure.

....so I keep prodding and poking trying to figure it out.

Totally feeling the OCD side of HA today, and feeling completely defeated.

Anyone else get armpit fear?

04-09-18, 15:07

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your thread was merged with another of your threads.

Please when posting on similar topics add it onto your previous post rather than starting a new one.

It is nothing personal it is just to make it easier for people to follow your story and to give you advice as a whole.


04-09-18, 16:17
I had an armpit lump that I saw my gp about last week and is ok. I haven’t read your whole thread, have you seen a doctor?

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04-09-18, 17:00
Yeah. She said it feels like scar tissue under the skin...but it has grown since then (I saw doctor 4 weeks ago). It’s probably nothing serious, but my HA won’t let it go.
It’s definitely not a lymph node, so that’s good. But it feels like a thickening, which can be a sign of breast cancer ��

04-09-18, 18:18
Well if it’s grown go back. My GP wanted me to go back when my period started - I assume so she can see hormonal differences?

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11-09-18, 17:22
Are you still having HA about your indent? Has it changed at all? Might just be you’ve never noticed before and have had it all along.