View Full Version : Fear from brain eating amoeba

04-09-18, 19:59
I know I post a lot on this forum but despite my meds and the fact that I had a therapy session yesterday I am freaking out again today.

I am scared of brain eating amoeba. Yesterday I was looking through a box in my yard for a sprinkler and there was dust in the box and I tried not to inhale it but I did some.

I am scared I got the brain eating amoeba cause it says on Google it lives in dust (I remember from last year I didn't Google this time) and I had a headache earlier and my body temperature was raising and dropping.

Please tell me this is another impossible scenario I feel like it's my fault if I die from this and I am having a breakdown again

04-09-18, 20:04
it says on Google it lives in dust

:doh: I would call your therapist if you're concerned.

Positive thoughts

04-09-18, 20:44
Is that supposed to be "user MagpieWitch that is an irrational fear" emoji?

04-09-18, 20:49
Is that supposed to be "user MagpieWitch that is an irrational fear" emoji?

It actually can be called the "User _______, that is an irrational fear" emoji :whistles: Between this and your rabies fear, you have your mind full for sure!

Have you discussed your reassurance seeking and participation on the forum with your therapist?

Positive thoughts

04-09-18, 21:24
I have discussed my need for reassurence but I don't think I mentioned the forum.
Still I am very very scared when I get my episodes and I just can't stop crying...

04-09-18, 22:22
l mean what are the chances of that happening ermmmm none
as fishmanpa said see your therapist xx
Best wishes

04-09-18, 23:03
I gotta rant but I am honestly very sick and tired. I am making my life hell, but also my parents lives, my partners life and I am ruining my degree (I am studying architecture)
Two weeks I was in fear of rabies and now I am no longer scared of it.
Now I am afraid that I am going to die from a brain eating amoeba and I go to therapy and I had progress and I take my meds and here I am again.
I am just so scared and crying and shaking and feel sick to my stomach and I just don't want to die from a brain eating amoeba. I am terrified. I am scared that all of this is my fault. I just don't know how long I have to fight myself, what will kill me first, HA or brain eating amoeba?
How do you guys keep going because I can't function right now I can't even go to the store...

04-09-18, 23:22
You need to go to the store. Don't stop living bc of these fears. Even if you are faking it, fake it. Iif you start cryong on public, so what? If you crawl into the corner, you are giving hypochondria what it wants and it will only be harder. Even though you fear death, talk back to it and remind it you are just fine today. It will get easier as ypu go on. Just don't give in !

04-09-18, 23:40
I just need to talk to people. Tomorrow I will call my therapist.
Please If I have symptoms of amoeba they will be severe?? I have some headache in my front where the eyebrows are and it spreads to the back but I don't have high fever or like sensitivity to light or anything? I do feel a bit nauseous...

05-09-18, 01:00
Magpie, you're spiraling here over something that's impossible. The symptoms you feel are from anxiety and your body's reaction to it. My daughter suffers from anxiety. She's ramping up on a new med and hit a blip. I've witnessed her panic and anxiety take over with her in tears etc. Reading your thread I see the same thing, just a different reason for the panic. Try some breathing exercises and relaxation techniques. I literally did that with her on Facetime the other day and it helped calm her down.

Positive thoughts

05-09-18, 01:44
Is there a reason why your anxiety is escalating at the moment? Or do you have cycles of this? Are you under any pressure/stress e.g. your studies?

05-09-18, 13:50
Thank you everyone for the kind words, you are all so nice.
I do have a big test on Friday but I am more scared from the amoeba :/
If I get amoeba symptons they will get worse right? I wouldn't be here typing?

05-09-18, 18:35
It cant be put more bluntly for you than for anyybody else who has this completely impossible scenario. You do not have it. No ifs, no buts, no what ifs, no "but maybe I'm the one in god knows whatever odds". There is literally no way possible for you to contract it from your experience.

05-09-18, 21:35
This is comforting to say the least thank you.
Anxiety is horrible and it completely took over my life. I keep saying a life unlived is not life at all and I am not living right now :(

06-09-18, 01:46
Ok, then I think you need to see whether your anxiety reduces after your test. If it does, I would suggest part of your therapy needs to be looking at stress triggers and how to keep your general levels of anxiety lower because when these spike they intensify obsessive-compulsive cycles.

06-09-18, 17:07
Hey I am on day 4 and I am really freaking out. I try not to check for my temperature and not to google but I am very very frightened. Monday I am going to my therapist again to see if I can get a stronger perscription and I just need to make it to Monday.
I am really scared because I got this mild headache on Tuesday and nausea/loss of appetite but last night and today I had no nausea and my appetite returned and now I have a mild frontal headache again.
I am just very scared. If it was amoeba it wouldn't come one day then wait and come again?

06-09-18, 21:45
Hey because I have a very intense fear of this amoeba at the moment, I have to try and rationalize this and maybe if you guys want you can say whether I am rational or irrational, please bear with me:

I am scared I got the amoeba either when I inhaled dust from my grandmother's yard or when air conditioning water fell on my shoulder (scared a droplet somehow bounced off and landed inside my nose)

I have a headache at the front of my head that is pretty bad especially when I look down and stand up right now. I am frightened that it's the amoeba. I had a headache similar to this one a day ago. I think I've had headaches like this before.

On CDC which I guess is a reliable site it says you can get it by swimming in water with amoebas and when that water gets up your nose. I haven't had water going up my nose recently nor I've been near water in the last week. The only water I've been near is tap water of course but I would remember if it got up my nose.

This could just be a headache. But I am scared it will turn out to be amoeba and I will die. I am very much frightened. My headache however has been going on and off and it was mainly on one side of the head but sometimes it on two, it's like sharp stabbing and it's in the front but also often I feel stabbing and pressure in my temple, top of the head and all the way back.

I am very scared right now, my father says that I would have a high fever if I had any kind of meningitis and I took my temperature earlier (after I returned from my walk) and it was pretty low.

I don't know what to do or think but everyone is saying I can't have the amoeba. I don't want to die because my partner returns in few weeks and we haven't seen each other and I just keep thinking how I won't see him before I die and it's killing me. I am just so very scared. I hope this will go away when I wake up tomorrow.

06-09-18, 21:49
I am scared I got the amoeba either when I inhaled dust from my grandmother's yard or when air conditioning water fell on my shoulder (scared a droplet somehow bounced off and landed inside my nose)

Somewhere deep inside you have to have a niggle of a thought that this is totally ridiculous right? :huh:

Positive thoughts

06-09-18, 22:20
Thank you for the reply I just can't stop freaking out. I want to stop being scared of this headache and I am so scared I will die and I won't see my partner and I won't finish my education I am just so scared and I don't know what to do.
I hope after I go to sleep this headache will disappear I pray for it I am so scared.