View Full Version : Visible Blood In Urine This Morning..CANCER FEAR

04-09-18, 21:03
I am paralyzed with fear right now. I woke up this morn, went to the bathroom, and when I looked my pee was rust brown. I got a cold chill looking at it. So I drank two bottles of water, took my daughter to school, came home, and already had to pee again, and it was the same color. I have some home pee test strips, since I'm diabetic, (47 year old male), and I tested it, and the blood was off the chart, confirming what I could obviously see. I got in the car and went straight to my doctor, since they accept walk-ins. I already had to go again, as I drank another two bottles of water on my way there. The pee was now much more clear, but still pinkish, when the doc had me pee in the cup for their lab test. So she sent me home with a referral to a urologist, and said they'd test it for bacteria and a possible UTI, but that came back negative, which in fact scares me even more now, fearing Bladder Cancer. When she called with the results of the negative UTI, she said she wants me to get a CT. So now I have urologist appointment tomorrow afternoon, a CT sometime soon, though not scheduled yet. I also have had microscopic blood in my urine at my last urine lab test in June, but the doc told me not to worry about it then, and I didn't, but now is another story. I keep testing my pee every time I go at home, and there are trace amounts of blood, but not visible at the moment. Still, I could not be more scared. The fact that it isn't a UTI leads the chances of cancer to be even larger, considering I read that 1 in 5 cases of visible blood in the urine turn out to be cancer (thank you for that Dr. Google), and that included cases where there might be UTI. So yes...I'm sick to my stomach with worry. I already have a life-dominating Carcinophobia, which shifts from Pancreatic to Lung cancer fairly regularly, but this is a whole different ballgame considering the visible nature of the symptom, the fact that UTI was ruled out, and the tests and referrals ordered. I'm crying literally with dread right now, and totally can't calm myself, even taking my Trintellix and Klonopin. I just want to have normal health. I don't want to die and leave my 10 year old daughter fatherless. I know what that's like since my best friend died 5 years ago suddenly, leaving his 11 year old and 14 year old kids behind. It's all I can think about. Please God help me.

04-09-18, 21:07
I have had this and awaiting an ultrasound in 2 weeks. I do have kidney stones though and they can cause blood in the urine.

You just have to wait for all the tests etc to be done I am afraid.

04-09-18, 21:23
This must be extremely scary for you and I am sorry. The odds are in your favour and I do know that over the years I have seen a few people on here worry about similar symptoms (visible blood in urine but no UTI) but none of them had cancer. Kidney stones was the most common final diagnosis I think.
But your wait is still going to suck. Hang in there.

04-09-18, 21:34
I know that you must be freaked out....I just know you are in agony. But, I wanted to let you know a few things to hopefully ease your mind. My husband had the same thing happen to him a few years ago (early 40s) after he worked out at the gym. I freaked out because that is what I do while he was completely chill, going to appointments. He had a few tests, one where they run dye in the area, and it turned out to just be a one off event, likely due to dehydration and/or straining at the gym. Second, and this is where sometimes HA can be helpful, is that bladder cancer is very, very, very treatable when you go straight to the doctor after seeing blood...just like you did. When I convinced myself this is what my husband had I googled and found some solace in that he was taking charge and not waiting around...just like you.
I am sure it will end up being something completely benign, but good on you for getting to the doctor and getting everything checked out.

04-09-18, 21:42
My Dad had bladder cancer and had symptoms for quite a long time before he visited his GP. Yes blood was one of them, but there were many others including significant urinary frequency and pain. Like travelgirl said, bladder cancer is quite treatable if caught early but this by no means is what you even have. Visible blood in urine is common, bladder cancer on the other hand isn’t. Hugs for good results x

04-09-18, 21:49
I’m not sure this is helpful but I thought I would share another story. My father in law (in his 70s, so MUCH higher risk than you) had this symptom. It did turn out to be kidney cancer but all he needed was tumour removal: no radiotherapy, no chemo, nothing. It was the most undramatic cancer diagnosis ever. That was some years ago and he is fine.
Odds are you will get an entirely benign diagnosis but even in worst case scenario, you will be fine

04-09-18, 22:04
My money is on kidney stones.

04-09-18, 22:11
Also, as a diabetic, you are at increased risk of kidney stones

05-09-18, 04:56
Thank you all for your words of reassurance. I have my appointment with urologist tomorrow afternoon, so I guess I can do nothing else but wait and see. At least my pee has been mostly clear the rest of the day today, though my test strips still show trace readings of blood. Very anxious to see what will happen in the morning when I wake, being as that's how it started out of the blue today.

05-09-18, 13:17
So I woke up this morning filled with dread of what I'd find, and when I went I immediately got scared because it was a darker hue to my urine. However, it wasn't like yesterday, plus the flow was very slow, and the volume was quite low. Basically it was a dehydrated urine result. I tested it and NO BLOOD, not even a trace reading on the test strips. So now I'm confused. Still going to my appointment this afternoon. Dr. Google says Bladder Cancer blood in urine can be intermittent. Then again, I also find things saying that sometimes these are one-off occurrences that don't get explained. I'm preparing myself for a Cystoscopy, though I'm not 100% sure if the Urologist will do that on the first visit. That in and of itself is frightening to me. I had Hypospadias birth defect when I was born, and two operations down there as a child to repair it. If you don't know what Hypospadias is, you can google it, but suffice to say the urethra doesn't come out at the end like it should, when the baby is born, so it gets fixed, usually with multiple operations, which is what happened with me...but also can lead to lifelong UTIs and other urinary tract issues. This blood may be related if there is a stricture in the urethra. None of it is any fun to deal with or worry about. And I do have a history of stones, as well. So no blood this morning after worrying about it all night. Guess I just go to the doc now and see where that leads me.

05-09-18, 14:42
This is GOOD NEWS! Please let us know what the urologist says but my bet is you are absolutely fine!

06-09-18, 13:44
Quick update....went to my appointment with Urologist. Short and sweet, he said I need more tests. CT with Contrast and Cystoscopy, aka bladder scope. Great. So not reassuring. Even though there has been no blood in my urine, visible or microscopic, since that morning. The doctors all insist I should follow through and get this checked out to the max. I guess it's better safe than sorry, though I could end up sorry anyways.

So....I came across this lovely little nugget on the internet in my OCD bladder cancer research that say "Blood in the Urine with no pain is Cancer until proven otherwise". This I found through something on Harvard University urology page of some kind. More cold chills when I read that. Literally extreme panic when I read that.

My CT is next week sometime. My Cystoscopy isn't until the 21st, so over 2 weeks away. Lots of time to worry and make myself sick. Glad to see they are in no rush. The waiting and worrying is the hardest part at this point. Oh...and even though I have good insurance, these tests will still run me around $1000 US out of pocket, as copays and deductibles. Isn't that great? The US system is pretty screwed up. They used to say that it had strong points, like not having to wait for procedures, etc., but I'm waiting, so I guess that's not the case, is it? And so-called "competition" isn't really holding costs down. So yeah, I'm not feeling really grand this morning, but on the bright side (I guess), there was still no blood in my urine at the Urologist's appointment yesterday, nor any time since "the event". I just don't know at this point.

06-09-18, 14:16
OH that line about “blood being cancer until proved otherwise”! That has struck terror - and been quoted - by several people on here. And not one of them had cancer after further testing. But the waiting does suck. No getting around that.

08-09-18, 19:13
Today is a bad day. Can't stop googling. It's a compulsion. Had a full blown anxiety panic attack at breakfast with my family. Short of breath, crying. Convinced they will find something terrible on my CT Monday and call me to come in sooner for results, even though urologist said he'd give me results at my Cystoscopy on the 21st. I'm convinced I'll have a muscle invasive tumor and need a radical cystectomy. Then have to wear a bag or worse that I'll have metastasized cancer and be dying. I'm totally done for. I really can't take this fear. I feel totally at my wit's end.

08-09-18, 19:21
A man who I totally respect and taught me so much of what I know about the industry I'm in said; "The customer will do whatever they can to mess up their own order".

I realized its the same with HA sufferers. They are consistently shooting themselves in the foot but want to feel better. Perhaps taking away the weapon (Google) is the only way. Don't think it's protected under the 2nd Amendment :winks:

Positive thoughts

08-09-18, 21:05
I absolutely know what you are feeling. When I was in a similar position to you, I discovered that - here in the UK anyway - there are cancer helplines run by very knowledgeable and KIND nurses, who can talk you down from your catastrophising. Google will do the opposite! I know it’s compulsive- but it really makes you feel so much worse.
Hang on this will pass

09-09-18, 04:38
You have at least an 80% chance of it not being cancer based on your own statistics.

Kidney stones are often the cause and CTs are often used to look for kidney stones

09-09-18, 11:27
OH that line about “blood being cancer until proved otherwise”! That has struck terror - and been quoted - by several people on here. And not one of them had cancer after further testing. But the waiting does suck. No getting around that.

Exactly. It absolute ******** to be honest. My mate had visible blood in his urine with no pain at all. Turned out It was a UTI.

As for microscopic blood....a ridiculous amount of people have microscopic blood urine for no reason at all. My urologist didn't give a damn about it and I've had it quite a few times. It just happens he says and nothing to worry about.

---------- Post added at 11:27 ---------- Previous post was at 11:23 ----------

So I woke up this morning filled with dread of what I'd find, and when I went I immediately got scared because it was a darker hue to my urine. However, it wasn't like yesterday, plus the flow was very slow, and the volume was quite low. Basically it was a dehydrated urine result. I tested it and NO BLOOD, not even a trace reading on the test strips. So now I'm confused. Still going to my appointment this afternoon. Dr. Google says Bladder Cancer blood in urine can be intermittent. Then again, I also find things saying that sometimes these are one-off occurrences that don't get explained. I'm preparing myself for a Cystoscopy, though I'm not 100% sure if the Urologist will do that on the first visit. That in and of itself is frightening to me. I had Hypospadias birth defect when I was born, and two operations down there as a child to repair it. If you don't know what Hypospadias is, you can google it, but suffice to say the urethra doesn't come out at the end like it should, when the baby is born, so it gets fixed, usually with multiple operations, which is what happened with me...but also can lead to lifelong UTIs and other urinary tract issues. This blood may be related if there is a stricture in the urethra. None of it is any fun to deal with or worry about. And I do have a history of stones, as well. So no blood this morning after worrying about it all night. Guess I just go to the doc now and see where that leads me.

You have had a history of stones And had an issue with the Urethra.......

09-09-18, 12:53
I agree with others. It is UNLIKELY to be cancer. But you won’t believe that until you get your result. Good luck tomorrow. Will be thinking of you

09-09-18, 19:18
Blood in the urine is not normal, however way you want to rationalize it. I would see a doctor immediately. Even if it is kidneys stones, the last thing you want is a kidney infection. I highly doubt this is cancer, so get that out of your head lol.

You will be okay, just please see a specialist, and do not prolong seeking help. And being diabetic and drinking more water will increase frequency.

09-09-18, 22:00
Blood in the urine is not normal, however way you want to rationalize it. I would see a doctor immediately. Even if it is kidneys stones, the last thing you want is a kidney infection. I highly doubt this is cancer, so get that out of your head lol.

You will be okay, just please see a specialist, and do not prolong seeking help. And being diabetic and drinking more water will increase frequency.

Have you even read what the thread Starter has said before posting? He is already gone to see his doctor.

Oh and microscopic blood in urine is very common.

11-09-18, 17:25
Update....Had my CT(s) yesterday....one with contrast, and one without. It's been about 27 hours, and I have heard nothing. I am scared. I mean, logically, my head says that if they had found something bad or dire, they would have quickly gotten the results to the ordering doc, who would have called me to come in, or at least to relay the need for further testing. I am going to have further testing anyway, since cystoscopy....of which I am scared to death....is on the 21st, still a week and a half away. The radiologist seemed quite positive....not neutral, but actually positive, and did tell me that she sometimes they need to take extra pics of areas of concern, and didn't need any for me. I mean, she couldn't just spill the results, but I know the techs can read those pretty well, and attitude can be felt. So at least I have a positive feeling from that, but I hope it isn't misplaced.

11-09-18, 17:51
What worries you about the cystoscopy. I had one last year.

12-09-18, 17:59
What worries you about the cystoscopy. I had one last year.

I had two major surgeries down there as a child. Born with hypospadias, a birth defect, I had to have it fixed. They graft a new urethra so it comes out at the end, like normal, as the one I was born with, did not. Obviously that entailed a LOT of business going on down there, including catheterizations, and even now sometimes they test for strictures every few years. The last time was 2015. Anything being stuck in there hurts me quite badly....then there's the fact that you get urinary pain after the cysto. I am just very, very sensitive to that area. Of course, then there's the possibilities of what he will find....specifically aggressive bladder carcinoma in situ. That is the type they cannot see on CT, which mine was clear, and it is superficial, but it is also considered the most high grade BC tumor, fastest growing, with greatest chance at recurrence. I was so hoping they would have found a big stone in my kidney to explain the blood, but I had no urinary stones at all. No infection. That means the cancer chances are going higher as other things are ruled out. I am getting panicky just typing this....short of breath. I feel chills. Lightheaded. I am just so scared.

12-09-18, 18:24
IF and this is a big IF it is bladder cancer then I know of 2 men that had it and it was easily treated and never came back.

Sorry to hear about all your other problems - I can see why you are worried about the procedure now.

13-09-18, 08:55
I had two major surgeries down there as a child. Born with hypospadias, a birth defect, I had to have it fixed. They graft a new urethra so it comes out at the end, like normal, as the one I was born with, did not. Obviously that entailed a LOT of business going on down there, including catheterizations, and even now sometimes they test for strictures every few years. The last time was 2015. Anything being stuck in there hurts me quite badly....then there's the fact that you get urinary pain after the cysto. I am just very, very sensitive to that area. Of course, then there's the possibilities of what he will find....specifically aggressive bladder carcinoma in situ. That is the type they cannot see on CT, which mine was clear, and it is superficial, but it is also considered the most high grade BC tumor, fastest growing, with greatest chance at recurrence. I was so hoping they would have found a big stone in my kidney to explain the blood, but I had no urinary stones at all. No infection. That means the cancer chances are going higher as other things are ruled out. I am getting panicky just typing this....short of breath. I feel chills. Lightheaded. I am just so scared.

Wait wait wait.... stop and breath. You don’t have diffuse cancer. That has been ruled out. Good news. In situ bladder cancer is still a possibility- but I would suggest very unlikely. Given all the meddling you have down there, and the possibilities for strictures etc, I would think you are a PRIME candidate for benign bleeding. In the worst case scenario- bladder cancer in situ, I would point out the phrase IN SITU. The phase of cancer most easily cured. But I really think it is the least likely possibility. My money rests firmly on a BENIGN cause!
Remember..... breath!

14-09-18, 21:18
Thank you Jojo...I am trying. It is so hard. I almost googled twice today, but have kept myself from doing so while on the google page. I somehow avoided doing so all day yesterday as well. My cystoscopy is next Friday, so I have another week to wait, and I know that no matter what, nothing I see online will change the actual results i will eventually get, as scary as I believe they will be. I keep playing the scenario of being told they see possible cancer on the screen, and that I will need a TURBT. It scares me to death when I start thinking about it, and that's not even googling, but it's from the things in my head already from when I googled before. And I'm just so afraid of cancer. The thought of something growing inside of me that can spread and kill me. It is the scariest thing on earth to me. Just the "C" word scares me. I see and hear so many commercials when watching TV with the C word, and I start getting panicky. I just keep taking my Klonopin and trying to do things to distract myself. I am not visiting this board more than once a day, so I can try and focus on other things. It's hard not to think about all the bad things constantly. I honestly don't know how people avoid doing so. I am in a constant state of ramped up emotion.

14-09-18, 22:20
I totally totally GET IT. But what you are doing now is catastrophising - the scenario that is playing out in your head is not the one that will happen. And although bladder cancer in situ holds a 50% chance of progression in the following 20 years (20 years!!) - that is, obviously, based on more than 20 year old treatments. They are much more effective now.
But all that is almost certainly irrelevant because you almost have something entirely benign going on.... so stay calm and stay off google!!

---------- Post added at 22:20 ---------- Previous post was at 22:18 ----------

And PS progression doesn’t mean death, just any sort of profession or recurrence

14-09-18, 23:29
Have you had any blood since?

15-09-18, 03:58
Have you had any blood since?

Actually no. And I still test my urine a couple of times per day with my test strips. Not even a trace.

15-09-18, 07:21
Actually no. And I still test my urine a couple of times per day with my test strips. Not even a trace.

Don’t you think that is even more suggestive of a benign cause? Say a small kidney stone got dislodged and damaged a small stricture on its way out?
I can’t really see how a cancer in situ, which is essentially an area of active ulcerated tissue, would bleed a lot suddenly then not at all. It just doesn’t really make sense...

15-09-18, 12:00
Unlikely to be cancer then.

15-09-18, 14:56
I so hope you both are right!!!

18-09-18, 02:55
Just an update. My Cystoscopy is Friday morning. So three more full days to get through. I keep getting Panic Attacks every day. Then they settle down. I keep checking my urine for blood with test strips, and they keep showing negative. I wanted to know if the strips were bad, maybe not working since they kept showing no blood, so I ran a control test by filling a glass of water, picking my finger, and putting a drop or two of blood in the water, then stirring it, and testing it. You could not see that any blood was in the glass of water after stirring. It was crystal clear. Yet my test strips did indeed detect the blood in the water, so they are working correctly. I guess that means that I can kind of safely say I haven't had any blood in my urine since Tuesday, 9/4. However, my "friend" google says there is no correlation in whether the blood continues, or goes away, and just the fact that I had macroscopic (Visible) Hematuria even only one time means it has to be investigated for cancer. Just typing that sentence made me panicky. So I keep waiting, and my mind keeps going to dark places. My body keeps shaking and getting the chills. I have no peace. I just want this over one way or the other.

18-09-18, 12:29
I only had blood in mine three times - a few weeks ago now.

I am having an ultrasound and internal camera tomorrow night but I do have kidney stones as well.

18-09-18, 13:34
I have had traces of blood in my urine off and on for years (although not visible to the naked eye), and no doctor has told me it needed investigation. I used to never drink water, so they told me to drink more water so I do. I drink a lot of water. My urine is always light yellow to clear, except for first thing in the morning when it’s more concentrated. Also my doctor said exercise can cause some blood in the urine. I would advise you to stop using those test strips! Throw them away for now, if you can’t stop on your own! Friday will be here soon enough and you will know whether it’s a benign cause or not. Constant self testing, googling, etc. is classic HA at its best. You’re already far enough into the rabbit hole, so do yourself a favor and stop the test strips and googling, and leave the diagnosing to the real expert on Friday!

18-09-18, 18:13
I only had blood in mine three times - a few weeks ago now.

I am having an ultrasound and internal camera tomorrow night but I do have kidney stones as well.

Good luck.

18-09-18, 21:40
Well, in three days we will know. I put all my money on a benign cause..... probably one for which the cause will never be found. But either way, you will get through it. Good luck!

---------- Post added at 21:40 ---------- Previous post was at 21:36 ----------

Ps. I can see why a cancer would bleed visibly intermittently- but I bet anything that inbetween times there would be microscopic blood even if the urine looked clear. Cancer involves active and aggravated tissue.... it just wouldn’t heal up like that....
I’m not a doctor but surely.....?

19-09-18, 08:46
Excellent advice from Steph to throw away the test strips, Carlton.

19-09-18, 14:56
Excellent advice from Steph to throw away the test strips, Carlton.

Oh yeah, unless a doctor orders you to self test for some reason--and they almost NEVER do--it is one of the worst things ever for someone with HA. Even when you *do* have to test, it can be a bit of a nightmare.

The truth is, the problem is what it is. If it is a kidney stone, no amount of testing will change that. If it is anything else, no amount of test strips will change that either. You are doing what you can do for the problem (my money is on kidney stones) and the test strips will do nothing but make your anxiety worse. They cannot fix the problem, they cannot help diagnose the problem. Literally the only thing those strips can do for you right now is make your anxiety worse. That's it.

Throw them out! :-)

19-09-18, 20:59
No kidney stones showed on my CT.

19-09-18, 21:30
But presumably no cancer either?

19-09-18, 21:44
No kidney stones showed on my CT.

Kidney stone may have been passed? Hence bleeding?

20-09-18, 08:52
But presumably no cancer either?


20-09-18, 22:59
But presumably no cancer either?

Correct. CT showed no masses or evidence of neoplasm. But yet they still want to do the Cystoscopy...which is tomorrow morning...because CTs can easily miss small cancers in the bladder, particularly flat CIS cancer. So it all comes down to tomorrow. This time tomorrow I guess I'll know. Fingers crossed so much.

By the way NMP....how did your tests go?

20-09-18, 23:24
They found I had multiple fibroids (wouldn't account for the blood in urine) so I can only assume the blood was one of those things (like yours maybe) or I passed one of the kidney stones maybe. Thanks for asking.

I have to see doctor about the fibroids to see if they want to do anything about them or not.

20-09-18, 23:32
Good luck tomorrow, Carlton!

21-09-18, 16:09
Thank you all. Cysto was this morning. I did find it to be painful, especially going through the prostate. Good news...NO CANCER visible anywhere. Doc said the prostate was inflamed with visible blood vessels, so may be cause of the bleeding I had. Meanwhile, see him in 6 months for my first ever PSA test, but no worries meanwhile. You guys and gals on this board are the best.

21-09-18, 16:13
Thank you all. Cysto was this morning. I did find it to be painful, especially going through the prostate. Good news...NO CANCER visible anywhere. Doc said the prostate was inflamed with visible blood vessels, so may be cause of the bleeding I had. Meanwhile, see him in 6 months for my first ever PSA test, but no worries meanwhile. You guys and gals on this board are the best.

Excellent! Was thinking about you this morning! Glad it went well!

21-09-18, 16:17
They found I had multiple fibroids (wouldn't account for the blood in urine) so I can only assume the blood was one of those things (like yours maybe) or I passed one of the kidney stones maybe. Thanks for asking.

I have to see doctor about the fibroids to see if they want to do anything about them or not.

Sounds like pretty good news. Hope so anyway. Good luck with everything.

BTW....they gave me a valium for my nerves this morning...it did absolutely nothing for my nerves. Haha. He said if there's a next time, they'll give me at least two valium. He said my nervousness and tension made it hurt more than it might have otherwise. I told them I was nervous going in, with high anxiety, but not sure they realized just how much.

21-09-18, 23:57
Thank you all. Cysto was this morning. I did find it to be painful, especially going through the prostate. Good news...NO CANCER visible anywhere. Doc said the prostate was inflamed with visible blood vessels, so may be cause of the bleeding I had. Meanwhile, see him in 6 months for my first ever PSA test, but no worries meanwhile. You guys and gals on this board are the best.

Yay yay yay!!!!:yahoo::bighug1:
Just as we thought - no cancer!! Hope you can have some peace now....