View Full Version : Swollen Lymph Nodes, Terribly Anxious!

05-09-18, 01:01
It’s been a few months since I’ve posted about anything. I got over my stomach cancer fear after some tests and a diet change and now I’m on to lymph nodes. I have two tiny lumps in my cheek that I found last September. They haven’t changed or grown. I mentioned them to my dentist and she wasn’t worried but did suggest I see an ENT for a second opinion. Surprisingly, I didn’t call one since I’m a busy mom of two little ones and just didn’t have much of a chance. Well, about 3 weeks ago, I was after those two lumps and then I convinced myself that a lump on my neck I’ve had for many years was also harder, bigger, sore... so therefore I must have lymphoma.

I’ve been trying very hard to search it on here and I always feel reassurance after I go through some posts and reassuring words given to others. I did go to the doctor about 2 weeks ago but she said she didn’t feel anything and it wasn’t worth it to give me an antibiotic and risk a possible yeast infection. She did feel the two small lumps in my cheek and said they don’t feel concerning but after my surgery (for an umbilical hernia last week) to see an oral surgeon for a second opinion. Ugh.

Anyway, I have the whole left side of my neck sore now and under my jaw. I even have a tiny node that popped out under my earlobe that actually felt like a pimple at first but isn’t. I am 100% sure it’s a node. I did have a sore pimple on the back of my ear for a few days so I’m trying to tell myself that is why that one popped but since it’s the same side I’ve been worried about, I have myself a mess.

I’m totally convinced I have lymphoma and I’m going to die and leave my babies behind 😭😭😭 I cant take this anymore! It feels like it’s always something and I’m ALWAYS so sure of it too! Every. Single. Time.

Any reassurance or kind words are appreciated. Thank you for reading.

05-09-18, 02:30
It sounds like you’ve been examined by professionals and nobody has been concerned. Keep reminding yourself of that as opposed to focusing on and worrying about things you’ve read online.

05-09-18, 14:58
Thank you. I haven’t googled too much. Just what I’ve read on here. I’ve been dealing with this for over 3 weeks now and just so happened to see a news story on Facebook about a local young person who has lymphoma after finding a lump in her neck. Ugh. It got in my head even worse.

I was practicing not checking for days straight and not saying the L word or the C word but it only lasted a day or two at a time and now that this new one popped out under my ear....and that’s never happened before.... I’m really worried. I do have a post-surgery check today so maybe I’ll ask the surgeon to take a look. Thanks again for responding.-

05-09-18, 15:26
I absolutely understand. That stuff is everywhere nowadays and of course we project others’ experiences onto ourselves. But at the end of the day it doesn’t mean anything.

I don’t blame you for asking for peace of mind but if you get the all clear try to accept it and go back to not checking. I know it’s easier said than done.

06-09-18, 14:21
Still suffering....lymph nodes still feel slightly swollen on my left side, including the tiny one that popped underneath my earlobe that I’ve never seen before. The thing that has me MOST concerned now is the last 3 days I have this incredible fatigue. I almost felt as though I was going to pass out at the grocery store last night, that’s how tired I was. But it’s a sleepy feeling...not a whole body fatigue. I don’t know if there’s truly a difference or if it matters. As I mentioned, I did just have surgery (2 weeks ago tomorrow) but it was just for an umbilical hernia and ab repair. I slept a lot of extra hours last week and this week I’m back to my normal schedule. Maybe that’s it....ugh. I don’t know.

22-09-18, 08:54
How did you get on girlrock?