View Full Version : Yet another symptom

05-09-18, 10:43
The past few days if I look up or turn my head suddenly I get a weird swimming feeling. My head is full of catarrh (sorry tmi!) and i think its all related to my GERD

05-09-18, 11:07
Can I ask what worries you about this?

05-09-18, 11:41
Sorry, just realised I wasn't very clear. I worry that this swimming feeling is a subtle sign of something very wrong. Like a mini stroke or something in my brain. My brain actually tells me my ears are all blocked up and causing me to feel unbalanced but the HA tells me it's something serious

05-09-18, 13:21
Listen to your brain not your illness I say.

05-09-18, 13:50
Thanks Nicola. Trying to be sensible but you know how it is.

05-09-18, 14:01
Have you recently switched medications (or reduced dosage)? I know that I feel a little woozy like that if I miss a dose of my SSRI/anti-depressant. Also, any stuffiness or congestion in the head (i.e., from allergies or a cold)? That can mess up the inner ear works and create feelings of dizziness. As one of the advisors put it in her description of fighting HA, give it 2 weeks, and if it is still bothering you, call the doctor! Hang in there!

05-09-18, 18:02
Thanks Bludobie, I feel like my head is congested and sometimes my nostrils feel like they're swollen inside. I suspect there is some kind of allergy because I have a mild sore throat on and off that I put down to my GERD but of course could be postnasal drip. I will leave it a couple of weeks. I haven't changed any meds by the way. Thank you

06-09-18, 01:48
Katie first I suffer from LPR which is just fancy terminology for silent GERD and it can cause all kinds of crazy sinus symptoms. More likely the anxiety is making it worse. Try your best to relax, have you tried meditating or other relaxation techniques? Im not saying it fixes everything :) but it can help you chill and cope. Im having a rough time this week with panic too....sending best wishes!

06-09-18, 10:24
Thank you for your reply, I do think that anxiety makes the GERD worse. This morning my throat feels thick and a bit sore which strangely makes me feel better as I know it's most likely the cause of my head swimming