View Full Version : Do you worry even though no symptoms are present?

05-09-18, 17:14
I know many people, myself included, worry when you find something or feel something that seems abnormal, but do you worry when nothing is wrong? I am in this place right now where I keep thinking any minute I am going to notice a change in myself or my kids that will lead to a dreaded diagnosis. I almost feel like I cannot enjoy any calm period because I am waiting for the inevitable horrible, deadly diagnosis that I know is lurking around the corner. My kids can be fine and I feel like I am waiting for one or both of them to start saying they have a headache or tummy ache or some other ailment which leads to a deadly diagnosis. It is horrible. Can't it take a rest?

It leads me to start planning funerals in my mind or googling where we would go for treatment. I have gone so far as to read blogs from parents who have lost children and mentally keep track of them so I can reach out to them when the inevitable occurs. It is exhausting, but I feel like I cannot make it stop. Anyone?

05-09-18, 17:17
Incredibly I thought that only I felt this way, we all have the same disease.

05-09-18, 17:45
While I am thankfully, so far ok with my daughter, I entirely feel this way about myself, to a degree that I have lot alot of enjoyments in life. Because I keep hearing and expecting bad news and rapidly declining health, I have lost a lot of drive to go camping and hiking, and doing photography like I used to. A big part of me says, what's the point? I'm dead soon anyway..

Like you say, it's exhausting and debilitating.. I would love someday to beat it, before my fears come true....

05-09-18, 17:47
I also lost a lot of things and I still lose, I'm a cyclist and I do not want to pedal anymore. The cursed lack of will power ends up weakening the thought that does not leave the head. My fear is not death but the suffering of a person who is treated as a malignant disease

05-09-18, 20:28
I worry all the time. I worry when I have symptoms, I worry when I am sick and I worry when I am fine.
I sometimes worry about things that aren't even diseases (getting hit by a car, being poisoned, being electrocuted)
And I relate to this, is not the death itself that scares me (which is why I don't worry from strokes and heart attacks and such) it's that I will develop a symptom that will lead to a slow and painful death. One of my biggest fears is having a fever for that reason.
So I completely relate.
The idea is to distract yourself and I usually do it with school work, but sometimes it's stronger and it wins.

05-09-18, 21:42
I totally know what you mean but I’m a bit jealous! I want a symptom free week or two! I seem to hop from one health scare to the next and can hardly get my breath....

06-09-18, 20:01
Yes! I’ve not had many good days, but last week I actually felt well, it was so strange and I felt like a nervous wreck because there was nothing wrong with me! It’s ridiculous. My mum said to me “enjoy it” but I couldn’t relax as I thought that something awful was going to happen any minute

08-09-18, 14:53
Yep, infact ceeling normal can induce severe panic in me and peraonally I dont think its because of fearing an illness in the future or the near present but the simpler fact that weve been so anxiois for so long we just dont know how to deal with it. I stand thefe thinking "shit, tbia ia what it feels like to have no anxiety" then proceed to freak out lol. I do however tbink of it as a weird calm before the atorm qhich makes no logical sense to me but then us anxiwty sufferers throw health logic out the window, under a car, through a burning buolding, up a tornado into a volcano and finally to the bottom of the sea where it stays slowly eating away at us :(