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View Full Version : Hand pain when writing

05-09-18, 18:05
I recently picked up journaling after a 4 year break. I wanted to get my mind of health anxiety and horrible diseases. However, I noticed that within a minute of writing my hand starts to hurt considerably. It’s so strange. I’m not worried about it being ALS or MS or anything. Im assuming pain isn’t involved with these serious diseases. I’m just bummed out because I really enjoyed journaling. I looked it up online and most sites recommended wider pens and proper placing of the fingers. I tried a few different pens and my finger placement is fine. Does this happen to any of you? What did you do to ease the pain?

welsh girl
05-09-18, 19:06
My writing is awful and the pain is dreadful, however I have carpel tunnel syndrome
I have an injection of cortazone (cant spell it) a couple of times a year which helps a lot,
at least no pain. It might worth you looking into the possibility that it could be your answer, there is an op as well.

05-09-18, 19:21
I have this problem too! When I type or when I use a pen. We call it "hand cramp" at my job and love to dramatically wave our hands around trying to get it to go away lol. If you do a lot of typing or writing for your work/school, it's possible it's just a repetitive strain injury. Icing the hand while resting it, taking some over the counter painkillers, or wearing one of those braces you get at the drugstore might help. If it persists, it could be carpal tunnel, and in that case a doctor could definitely help with some medications or injections.

Writing is awesome and I'm sorry it's causing you pain! I find it is a good way to manage anxiety. I hope you are feeling better soon and can keep on journaling! :)

05-09-18, 19:23
Katniss hand pain was a major symptom of my friend's. After much testing it turned out to be from her neck.
Might want to check in with a doc to see if this is the cause.
Therapy and home exercises go a long way to relieve pressure on nerves and strengthen the neck muscles.

05-09-18, 20:24
Thank you so much for the replies!

I actually did have carpal tunnel after giving birth. And it was really painful. This doesn’t feel the same as I only get it while writing. Also I don’t think it’s due to overuse as I haven’t written for years. But maybe it’s due to not having used the writing maneuver enough so my hands may just have to adjust. Another thing I thought of is that it could be because of me constantly texting and using my cell phone and of course our hands did not evolve to constantly hold a rectangular shaped thing upon hours a day.

It may be my neck also. I think most people have some tension there. Thanks for that idea!