View Full Version : Breast lump concerns and musings

05-09-18, 21:41

Sorry for the funny post title. I went back to the women's clinic this afternoon after having a 6 month ultrasound follow up from two smallish lumps that were seen as hypoechoic. After my first us, I met with a breast surgeon and she advised me to get a mammogram since I had bypassed that step. I had a 3D mammo done and all came back clear. The recommendations were for me to come back the following year for another mammo or to return if anything changed drastically.

I actually requested an us because I thought better safe than sorry. Today's us showed a very slight increase in one of the lumps. I took the info in stride, set up the follow up but found myself to be annoyed by the nurse who shared the info. She seems to be a kind person but also like a women's clinic robot. She mentioned that next week's appointment would be short because the dr wouldn't be performing the biopsy. I corrected her and said "IF a biopsy is seen as the next logical step". She smiled and repeated the same sentence a few minutes later.

Here are my questions for the group: First- has anyone dealt with benign breast lumps that got slightly bigger on subsequent us AND that things still turned out to be ok?

Second: For you ladies who do have benign lumps is this the kind of runaround I can expect each year or at each test?

Third: Maybe I'm getting up in arms about things but doesn't it seem like to med professionals it's no big deal to just get your boobs cut into (I'm not a candidate for a needle biopsy given the location of the lump so I will need to have them surgically removed). Maybe it's just me but I feel that there is this oppressive level of focus on BC here in the US. Like somehow, it's the worst possible thing to happen to a woman is BC. I mean the stats show that women actually have greater rates of heart disease and dementia but those stories always seem to take the back seat to BC. Most of the dementia stories about men losing their mental capabilities but god forbid something happens to a woman's breast!

Anyway, thank you for letting me vent and sharing some insight on the breast lumps. Any and all responses are appreciated!

15-09-18, 02:05
Was doing so well this past week with HA over this new recommendation to have a consultation with the breast surgeon. I kind of used the last week to get out a lot of anger and fear. And then an email came through late this afternoon that a health blogger I follow passed away from an aggressive form of breast C. Definitely didn't do so well after that.

I spent a good hour combing through breast posts on NMP. I was able to calm myself down by doing that. I've gotten back to a point where I'm ok with the upcoming appointment, and should be able to fall asleep tonight. Maybe have bad dreams but that's still way better than I was the last time I had to go through this.

18-09-18, 19:52
Hope your visit goes well. I'm having a bit of anxiety for a similar situation. I had a diagnostic mammogram and ultrasound last week, and towards the end of the ultrasound the radiologist zoomed in on one spot and said she wanted an additional mammogram of that area. The technician could tell I was nervous and asked the radiologist to clarify why. The radiologist said to use as a baseline for future readings. My nurse practitioner called me the same afternoon letting me know that the results were okay and the breast clinic would decide if I need a follow up in 6 months to a year.

I didn't expect my appointment with the breast clinic to be just two weeks later (next week) and with a general surgeon. I'm kind of freaking out, although the receptionist at the nurse practitioner's office seemed to think it was possible the NP referred me for both the mammogram and the breast clinic at the same time, regardless of the mammogram outcome.

Nevertheless, I'm now nervous that maybe I misunderstood and maybe things aren't okay. I'm trying to stay calm though. Hoping the best for you!

18-09-18, 22:32

Thanks for your reply. It sounds like all is clear on your end and that all they were doing was, in fact, setting up a baseline. My guess would be that they are multitasking with your upcoming appt. I wouldn’t read too much into it!

The closer I get to my appt, my anxiety levels rise. It’s nowhere near as bad as it was last year with the ultrasound and mammo. Then I was a wreck, full on panic attacks, daily crying jags, and nonstop doomsday thoughts. The all clear from the 3D mammo was a relief but also a very strange letdown. I think that’s why I am both mad and sad that I’m going through the process all over again. My NP did tell me that the ultrasound repeat is very common and that she often has to call doctors and radiologists to say that this is just this particular patient’s normal boob and to stop flagging the diagnostic findings, usually after 2 years of findings.

I was also bummed out because I received news about the death of a health blogger I follow from BC. It was so random and unexpected and added fuel to my HA fire. I also got my period super early which I’m sure is contributing to my sad/mad outlook. Im trying to stay present minded and acknowledging my emotions when they come up. I also scheduled an appt with my therapist tomorrow so I think I should be good mentally.

Keep me updated on your situation. Sending calming vibes your way!

18-09-18, 23:05

Sorry for the funny post title. I went back to the women's clinic this afternoon after having a 6 month ultrasound follow up from two smallish lumps that were seen as hypoechoic. After my first us, I met with a breast surgeon and she advised me to get a mammogram since I had bypassed that step. I had a 3D mammo done and all came back clear. The recommendations were for me to come back the following year for another mammo or to return if anything changed drastically.

I actually requested an us because I thought better safe than sorry. Today's us showed a very slight increase in one of the lumps. I took the info in stride, set up the follow up but found myself to be annoyed by the nurse who shared the info. She seems to be a kind person but also like a women's clinic robot. She mentioned that next week's appointment would be short because the dr wouldn't be performing the biopsy. I corrected her and said "IF a biopsy is seen as the next logical step". She smiled and repeated the same sentence a few minutes later.

Here are my questions for the group: First- has anyone dealt with benign breast lumps that got slightly bigger on subsequent us AND that things still turned out to be ok?

Second: For you ladies who do have benign lumps is this the kind of runaround I can expect each year or at each test?

Third: Maybe I'm getting up in arms about things but doesn't it seem like to med professionals it's no big deal to just get your boobs cut into (I'm not a candidate for a needle biopsy given the location of the lump so I will need to have them surgically removed). Maybe it's just me but I feel that there is this oppressive level of focus on BC here in the US. Like somehow, it's the worst possible thing to happen to a woman is BC. I mean the stats show that women actually have greater rates of heart disease and dementia but those stories always seem to take the back seat to BC. Most of the dementia stories about men losing their mental capabilities but god forbid something happens to a woman's breast!

Anyway, thank you for letting me vent and sharing some insight on the breast lumps. Any and all responses are appreciated!

I’m not sure what it looks like. However, my sibling had a benign cyst cut out as well. Obviously it’s a worrying thing and a scare but most likely it’s benign. The doctors can tell. Then they’ll biopsy it to make sure once it’s removed.

I’m sure you are fine. She was 19 when she got her cyst.

19-09-18, 00:18

Thank you for your reply. I’m going through the process. Nervous because I have HA. I know benign cysts are common. I’m older and every health concern seems to take on greater importance as you age. I was mostly venting because there’s just soooo much emphasis on BC in the US. Even though more women will be diagnosed and/or die from heart disease than BC, yet we have so much media attention on BC and very little on heart disease. At no point have I been asked about my heart health, and I even have family history with the disease! It just feels unbalanced somehow.

Thanks for responding. I’m working hard to keep my anxiety in check and go into the appointment both with an open mind and critical one to push back on anything that feels weird or fearmonger-y.

19-09-18, 13:59
Thank you! Calming vibes to you as well. :)

20-09-18, 00:12

Thank you for your reply. I’m going through the process. Nervous because I have HA. I know benign cysts are common. I’m older and every health concern seems to take on greater importance as you age. I was mostly venting because there’s just soooo much emphasis on BC in the US. Even though more women will be diagnosed and/or die from heart disease than BC, yet we have so much media attention on BC and very little on heart disease. At no point have I been asked about my heart health, and I even have family history with the disease! It just feels unbalanced somehow.

Thanks for responding. I’m working hard to keep my anxiety in check and go into the appointment both with an open mind and critical one to push back on anything that feels weird or fearmonger-y.

That's it too. So much attention and media is created focused on these health crisis. They are terrible diseases don't get me wrong. My family member passed because of alzheimers a while back. However, companies and organizations do make money off of research for these causes which drive ADs and media.

Keep your head up! How's everything now?

20-09-18, 15:12
Thanks for the reply! My anxiety is definitely high this morning. I got a call from the Drs letting me know that there were cancellations and did I want to move my appt up to earlier in the day (it was originally scheduled for 2:00 PM EST). I said sure and moved it up to 11. While I was taking a shower I started thinking that maybe there weren't cancellations and that the dr wanted to do a biopsy right then and there. I realize it's catastrophic/paranoid thinking but it's where I am right now. I'll be headed in soon and will have more info after meeting with the dr.

Thanks for the positive thoughts and encouragement!

20-09-18, 23:47
So, met with the new breast surgeon. She reviewed my mammos (all the way back to 2011), my 4 ultrasounds, and looked over the notes from the previous breast surgeon and she's sticking with the original recommendations which are annual mammos and bi-yearly ultrasounds. She also let me know that I am a candidate for a needle biopsy, if the needs ever arose but she did not recommend it at this time. She thinks one of the lumps actually got smaller. They are solid though, so not cysts.

I'm feeling good about meeting with her. She seems solid and trustworthy. Not at all pushy or authoritative like some drs I have met with, my least favorite kind of dr. I have my annual scheduled for late November. I'll cut myself some slack if I start to get anxious around that time but since I have a long due vacation prior to that, I'm hoping to be more relaxed in general.

Thanks again for kind thoughts and support!

27-09-18, 15:13
Great news!

03-10-18, 16:39
I'm so sorry you are on this roller coaster too!

I have a breast cyst they've been following since 2016, a little over two years now. Surgeon wants to follow it for 3 years so potentially 1 more year of this insanity! I too get yearly mammo and bi annual ultrasounds. Seems like standard practice.

I'm frustrated with my current breast surgeon, but at this point she's the third person to say this is likely just a cyst and nothing more. I'm annoyed that it hasn't gone away on its own, but even I have to admit she's right when she says "cancer doesn't act like this" (staying the same for 2 years, fluid instead of solid, etc).

In the US people take no chances with boob lumps it seems and while I'm happy to be followed so closely it is frustrating when you reach that point where you just want someone to tell you it's benign but instead they keep "following up". Argh.

---------- Post added at 11:39 ---------- Previous post was at 10:10 ----------

Also we should all tape this article to our bathroom mirrors!!


03-10-18, 19:35

Thanks for your kind follow up replies! Ktdid2000, thank you so much for this article! I think the moderators should consider making this one of those sticky posts. Or have you added it to the breast exam sticky post threads? If not, please do so!

I now have another female health issue which is either an ovarian cyst or yet another peri menopause symptom. It’s kind of embarrassing and just happened with this cycle, so I may wait for one more cycle before posting. Sigh, I just wish for a symptom-free month to catch my breath!

05-10-18, 14:47
Joining in to this thread i hope its okay
I just booked a GP appointment for my lump today i have it on tuesday, i’m nervous. I already had mine checked 2 years ago and i was told it was fine but lately it’s been worrying me a bit more again so i thought i’d go get it checked again. Mine hasn’t changed in the slightest in 2 years which i guess its good but what gets me is that its hard and doesn’t move (which i know!! They always say is a bad sign :( ) but like i said 2 years ago they did an ultrasound and said it was benign. And i mean i’m 23 so what are the chances... but i’m still sooo anxious

06-10-18, 21:31

I had an ultrasound a couple of years ago when I first felt the lump and nothing showed up. Then last year it came back as hyperechoic (solid, not fluid). Same thing this year. They are still keeping it as a "wait and see" scenario even with those changes. I'm 47 btw.

I think given your age and that you've had a previous US that came back as nothing to be concerned about, you should be in a good place. Check out the boob lump article link that poster, Ktdid2000 shared. It's really helpful and calming. Hope all goes well at your appt!


09-10-18, 18:07
Oh it makes me feel better someone else had a solid lump that was fine :) i’ve read the link as well thanks!
I just had my GP appointment and he said he can actually feel another one in my other boob that feels very similar (i cant feel that one even now when i try) which i find quite amusing for some reason rather than scary. He also said it doesnt feel sinister and its not unusual that it didnt disappear but obviously we can only be sure if i get it tested so he referred me to an ultrasound and it’s already in 2 days! So at least it will be done fast
But he was pretty reassuring he said that to his knowledge cancer would change in size in 2 years and even more in consistency basically wouldnt stay the same and even the ultrasound he wasnt like “you need to get it again” but he more asked me if i would like to so it made me feel like it was more my choice not urgent (although he said its responsible to do after 2 years but he thinks its not sinister). So i’m nervous about my hospital appointment but i think most people would be, i’m not freaking out though i’m feeling pretty okay about it

16-05-19, 16:02
Hello! Rereading my old threads for reassurance. I'm coming up on my 2nd 6th month ultrasound appt. I had a 3D mammogram in Dec and everything was all clear. I randomly found a "lump" in my armpit on the same side as my breast cyst. Needless to say it set off my HA. I have been doing daily work with something called Heart Math and an online CBT program. While I am still struggling with HA, both of these things have helped reduced the amount of anxiety I experience.

The armpit lump is frightening to me because I don't know if it is something to be concerned about or not. However, I can see with greater clarity how much pain (physical and mental) anxiety is causing me. How much time and energy I give over to it is also pretty eye opening. I don't have anything else other than this fear and clarity. It sucks but I'm moving forward with my appt and trusting my doc. Thanks for letting me share this!

16-05-19, 17:07
Well, there's a rare and intelligent thing, someone going back to read their thread for reassurance - credit to you ! :yesyes:

Sounds like you are doing an absolutely sterling job, and putting in lots of effort, into controlling your anxieties. So, you get double stars so far today. Joking aside, when is your next appointment ? and yes, do mention the 'random lump of course.

16-05-19, 21:35
Thank you for your kind support! My appt is on Monday. I have all of my notes ready. Of course, I can’t find the armpit lump anymore which is a good thing, I guess? Post-anxiety fallout has been pretty painful but I made myself go outside and walk because it’s very nice weather today. And I’m taking things slow. So, getting closer to tackling the monster that is anxiety. Thank you again for your reply!

Ps. Will still mention armpit lump(s) even if this one is still gone. I’m also going to ask what should I consider a concern and what can I overlook.

20-05-19, 17:53
Went in for my u/s today. Struggling with general panic about this and health in general (family members, in this case). U/s tech was focusing on an area higher up than I remember but it was almost 9 months since my last u/s, so who knows how accurate my memory was. The armpit lump totally disappeared before today's appointment, so that's a reduction in panic for me.

I met with the kind but weirdly robotic nurse who is essentially the gate keeper between the admin staff, the techs, the drs, and the radiologists. I went in to remind her that I have pretty severe HA and to not call me with any follow up results as I already have a follow up app scheduled with the breast surgeon. She noted that in my chart and I headed home. I'm going to keep things low key so that I can get back into a less anxious headspace. My thinking (right or wrong) is that if anything is out of the ordinary for this lump then they will move my appt up with the breast surgeon sooner. I wish my appt with the surgeon was sooner but I wasn't able to schedule anything until mid-June. When I meet with her, I'm going to have a frank discussion about how debilitating my anxiety is and can we find another way to handle this moving forward.

20-05-19, 18:15
Hiyer, thanks for the update. I think you are doing brilliantly. I am waiting on mammo results from not last Friday, but the one before, and they say you could hear anywhere up to 4 weeks after the mammo. Its a horrible wait, and I feel for you as experience it myself. In my case, every day waiting for the post. When is the surgeon appt ?

21-05-19, 03:13
Thank you for your reply! I don't think I realized that you were waiting for mammo results as well. Sending positive and anti-anxiety vibes your way!

My follow up appt is on 6/14. I told myself that I would wait but I broke under pressure from my anxiety this afternoon and left a voice message to see if I could move my appt up sooner. Looking back, I realize it was my way of trying to game the outcome, which is just me waiting until the appointment to get results. But I was afraid that they would call with scary news and call me in sooner and I didn't want to have to deal with that so I wanted to control things by beating them to the punch.

My anxiety has been pretty bad, mostly from shifting hormones. I'm doing work- mindfullness/cbt/therapy but these perimenopausal hormones are kicking me in the butt. I've embraced the idea a while back that I can see this peri time as a way to heal from long-term anxiety and that my body and mind are just giving me subtle or sometimes intensely direct hints. I just came to the understanding recently that I need to commit to the healing/change process more than I have been.

I'm going to share with the breast surgeon that while I am doing much to help with my anxiety, these follow up appts are just so rough on me, mentally and physically. I'd like to see if we can come to an understanding of how to handle these moving forward (like not trying to magically read into tech or nurse's facial expressions or automated questions) or discuss other options for dealing with this. In the meantime, I will wait.

I went for a walk with my husband and son this evening and it definitely helped me to calm down. So does checking this site (in moderation). I hope you are finding ways to relax as well!

22-05-19, 23:42
I'm going to share with the breast surgeon that while I am doing much to help with my anxiety, these follow up appts are just so rough on me, mentally and physically. I'd like to see if we can come to an understanding of how to handle these moving forward (like not trying to magically read into tech or nurse's facial expressions or automated questions) or discuss other options for dealing with this. In the meantime, I will wait.

This is a good idea! It's so important to advocate for ourselves, and I think with anxiety being clear with the doctor about what can help make some of these necessary situations a bit less burdensome is such an important thing to do.

29-05-19, 22:40
Update: No one responded to the weird and vague voicemail I left for the office of the breast surgeon to move up my appt from 6/14. It wasn't an issue and I 100% saw it as controlling behavior on my part but at least I'm recognizing that kind of behavior when it comes up. On Tuesday, I got a letter saying that my ultrasound appeared normal and to resume with my annual mammos.

I still have my appt for the 14th and will ask my breast surgeon to find a way to better deal with these reoccurring appts as I find them to be extremely destabilizing (my health anxiety is the result of a very bad medical trauma at a very young age). I'm working very hard to better deal with my anxiety but HA is my biggest challenge. These appointments don't just trigger my own health fears, I also find myself becoming caught up in fears about my family's health.

Just wanted to share with everyone. Thank you for your ongoing support! I'll post again after I have my appt.

30-05-19, 08:30
Hiyer, glad all was well with your results. I'm still waiting on mine, its been three weeks now and they say it can take up to 4 weeks for them to arrive. Sadly I have no choice regarding finding away to avoid the (yearly) anxiety, so if you and your surgeon can find a way to resolve it then good for you. I think its cruel making people wait as long as we have to here sometimes, and same day results would be the way to go!

02-06-19, 17:56
Hiyer, glad all was well with your results. I'm still waiting on mine, its been three weeks now and they say it can take up to 4 weeks for them to arrive. Sadly I have no choice regarding finding away to avoid the (yearly) anxiety, so if you and your surgeon can find a way to resolve it then good for you. I think its cruel making people wait as long as we have to here sometimes, and same day results would be the way to go!


So, I have no plans to avoid annual mammos and whatnot. I learned my lesson the hard way when I tried to avoid them. I just want to find a way to have better communication around all of this. I stay with this practice because I love my gyn NP and am beginning to trust the breast surgeon. They are a small clinic and operate on timeworn processes and procedures. There's a super updated hospital in my area that offers same day test results but I don't know any of the practitioners there so I'm not interested in transferring at this time. I just wish that there was an overall greater interest in the patient's mental wellbeing as much as their physical wellbeing.

I feel for you having to wait that long to get your results. In this day and age, why should it take that long? In the US there's the potential to save and make so much $$ from better medical communications. Though our system is so screwed that I don't ever see it happening on a large scale.

Hope you hear from your results soon!

07-06-19, 20:29
Well, got my 'all clear' results eventually ! After waiting 4 painful weeks and hearing nothing I used the number to ring after 4 weeks. Yes.....they had done the viewing and review of the images, but no letters yet sent out. Arrrghhhh