View Full Version : Need some help today. Please.

06-09-18, 00:29
I posted this earlier but made a mess of it(I was using my phone)basically I am having sever anxiety about my health (as usual) but also my kids health. I check if they are breathing every night. I am scared when they play outside because they might get cut and get staph, they might get bit by a tick, or a mosquito with an illness, or a wild animal. They might get hit by a car oe a million other things. I hide it and they have a good time but I am dying inside.
Right now my son has a cold and his ear is blocked and that is not really a problem, I know that, but I am still freaking out.
I eat well and feed them healthy foods but still I worry if dairy or gluten will end up hurting them. I still feed them the milk and bread but I am scared.
It sounds crazy to be scared of bread but... I guess I am.
I am tired physically and emotionally from all this. Everything is just a disaster. The more I learn about health the more scared I become. And I don't mean just reading symptoms. I mean learning about diet to make sure I take care of myself for my anxiety is causing more anxiety. I feel like I am just terrified of everything. Like everyone is just normal and fine and I try so hard to be healthy and I feel like I am falling apart. Is any e else going through this nightmare.

06-09-18, 01:54
I struggle sometimes with over worrying about my kids but its mostly self focused symptoms I panic about. But it really is all the same game our brains play on us. Try to smile and know you are not alone :)

06-09-18, 02:29
You are not alone! I have always run anxious but realize my HA really peaked after having a child. My child has some medical mysteries too which heightens my fear because I'm constantly trying to diagnose, understand causal relationships, figure it out. It's just exhausting. I too look around and see people walking around normal whereas I want to duck and hide and am constantly looking around assessing people for the tiniest cough or sneeze. Everything feels dangerous and out of control having our hearts walking around outside our bodies. It's so hard.