View Full Version : is it nerve pain or a blood clot oh god help

06-09-18, 01:04
(context) I'm female, 21, pretty healthy & my recent blood tests came back normal.

my right thigh started worrying me in april. it always felt super tense, and i panicked non stop about it - it went away but came back every time i was stressed. admittedly, i know that sounds like anxiety, but ive heard some clot symptoms tend to come and go. then again, what do i know?

Now the tenseness is back. And the stress that is causing me to tense is coming from the worrying fact that sometimes there is an annoying shooting pain down my leg when i walk short distances that causes me to limp a little bit. And i think my right thigh is bulging a bit...which is weird, I know..

Bare in mind - I have maralgia parasthesia (trapped nerve) in that leg. top of my thigh has always been numb. it could well be nerve pain yet here i am shaking with fear again...

if anyone could provide some insight i'd truly appreciate it, thank you kindly

06-09-18, 01:39
Hey! I'm also 21 f with really bad HA. If you have already been diagnosed with maralgia parasthesia, then it sounds like that could be the cause of the pain in your thigh. I have not been diagnosed with any nerve condition, but sometimes my hips and thighs will feel kind of crampy in colder weather, or if I've been wearing my backpack over just one shoulder instead of both. Bodies are weird. If you've had normal blood tests recently, I wouldn't be too worried. Just keep a note of it and go back to the doctor if it persists. Two of my aunts have had blood clots in their legs, and it was incredibly obvious. But they got help and they both made a full recovery. :)

I'm also painfully afraid of blood clots (esp. heart attacks and strokes), but I try to make healthier choices in order to cut my risk. I swapped my hormonal birth control for a copper IUD and I don't smoke as often as I used to (of course never smoking would be best).

06-09-18, 01:42
Hey that is a concern for me sometimes because my dad has hardening of the arteries. Sorry you feel this way. Are your ankles swollen? That keeps me grounded in knowing my legs are okay. Also where the pain is if it hot to the touch is not a good sign but if not it should be okay. Some people actually live with clots. Usually not 21 year olds though. I’m sure you’re fine but a doctor could do a Doppler test if you are that worried, which is sometimes good to know for sure.