View Full Version : Slowly realizing how many disease I have diagnosed myself with

06-09-18, 03:48
I am 16 and over the past year I have diagnosed myself with:

Worms, Aortic Aneurysm (Abdominal AND Thoracic), Blood Cancer, Colon Cancer, MS, Brain aneurysm, Kidney disease (kidney failure), Severe Mitral Valve prolapse, Heart infection, worsening scoliosis, chronic back pain, Brain Hemorrhage, kidney infection, degenerative disc disease, life ending Marfan syndrome, malabsorption, and Chrons Disease.

The symptoms I have is: very mild chest pain, mild back pain, occasional palpitations, foamy urine, and floaters in my vision.

My doctors all said I’m healthy all healthy after taking a blood exam, urine exam, chest X-Rays and heart tests.

After acknowledging all of this, I started to feel better and I actually am. There’s still an extra 10% of HA I still have and it can get frightening at times but whatever happens, happens!

I made this post to share that if you feel like this, you aren’t alone!

07-09-18, 08:56
I want you to know you're not alone. I am 33 years old. When I was 18, I was so scared I had a brain tumor I ended up getting an MRI, and that same year went to the ER with chest pains.

Since then, I've been terrified I've had:

-A brain tumor (again)
-Cancer of the spinal cord
-Colon cancer
-Pancreatic cancer
-Multiple sclerosis
-Lung cancer
-Kidney disease

In July/August, I freaked myself out so bad about having a tumor in my head or spine that I spent $2k on an MRI and a Neurologist visit.

I have developed muscle twitches and cramps, particularly in the past 2-3 weeks, as well, possibly as a result of that anxiety. At least that's what I'm hoping.

I am posting this to let you know that you are not alone, and that saying this stuff out loud can help a person realize how paranoia can take over your rational mind.

I hope you can get better and find peace and live your life. Health anxiety is obviously not near as bad as the diseases you fear, but it's no picnic. I don't wish this on anyone.

08-09-18, 03:04
In the “symptoms” part of my paragraph I forgot to mention muscle twitches and cramps. ANDDD I have ALSO been having them for 3 weeks too! Not a lot of people acknowledge that it can be anxiety! Thanks a lot for your reply man! :)

10-09-18, 06:55
20 this year, I self diagnose myself with:
- UTI (current)
- skin cancer
- Gerd
Not much but when I get caught up worrying it’s a disaster, often assuming the worst of possiblities.

10-09-18, 09:27
I've been worrying about ALS a great deal recently, and really want to go the doctor's to be reassured, but I'm far too embarrassed to as I went with the exact same problem just last year.

10-09-18, 12:47
I've been worrying about ALS a great deal recently, and really want to go the doctor's to be reassured, but I'm far too embarrassed to as I went with the exact same problem just last year.

I have been worried about ALS as well. None of us can tell each other that we don't have it, just that the odds are really, really against it, especially if you're under 40. Hopefully none of us do.