View Full Version : Blood pressure monitor

06-09-18, 19:02
Random question. .. does anyone know if you can borrow a blood pressure monitor from a pharmacist?
My doctor wants me to take my blood pressure at home and calmer than I am at the doctors. She said to get one at a pharmacist. But I definitely can't afford to buy one and I wouldn't want one in the house permanently lol.

06-09-18, 19:18
Is there anyone you know that has a monitor you could borrow?

06-09-18, 19:38
I'd ask about to see if any of your friends have one.

My Dad has one, it's a proper one that goes round your arm and it was only £25. Would that be to much?

06-09-18, 19:42
I doubt they would lend you one to be honest.

06-09-18, 20:08
Magic - no I don't know anyone who has one. :(
Biker Matt - I'm on ESA at the min and struggling :(
Nicola - I thought it sounded odd that they would lend them but a neighbour mentioned it.
My blood pressure was rather high today but I was incredibly stressed at the docs. I'll have to ring them and see what they say.
Thanks all :)

06-09-18, 20:41
That's a good idea. Perhaps you could ask one of the chemists. At our local chemist they have a room to speak to someone in private. All in confidence. All the best