View Full Version : Wife has bleeding from bum

07-09-18, 14:14
Hi all,

I have been away from here for awhile, and have been doing well. Of course the test is when something comes up...

Well last weekend my wife (40 yrs old) went to the bathroom, and had bright red blood. At the time I didn't stress, because she ate beets that weekend and also started her period that day. I figured it was from the beets, or maybe she got mixed up.

Anyway, 4 days pass, and she didn't go poop so no blood. But today she went, and she said there was a lot of bright red blood - coming down leg and in toilet. Her period is finished.

Last weekend she ate tuna with hot peppers, which burned when coming out, so thinks that may be related.

She wants me to reassure her (asking, 'should I worry, etc..), I tell her it is sounds like hemorrhoids. But honestly, I am very worried and it is hard to hide that.

She had this - with less bleeding she says, 4 yrs ago. That was on and off, and resolved.

I will make sure she goes to a doctor if this is still around in a few days...

Anyway, that is my rant since i don't want to rant to her.

07-09-18, 14:43
Most likely piles but if she is worried she should get it checked out to confirm it.