View Full Version : Petechiae

Purple Blood
08-09-18, 00:33
I've been okay with my HA for a few months but yesterday I noticed a petechiae spot on my thigh...I worried,of course but not too much because I get one occasionally.
But today I noticed another one on my arm and just now as I was about to go to sleep I noticed two more on my thigh,all in different spots.I'm so scared,it's like my worst fears are coming true,I'm terrified that I'll wake up tomorrow and be covered in petechiae

08-09-18, 22:00
Hey there,

I had a case of petechiae a while ago which I couldn’t explain. I freaked out and want to get blood tests etc. All came back normal and the doctor said it’s no big deal at all, he didn’t want to send me for tests but I insisted. Try not to freak out!

08-09-18, 22:44
A few months ago i woke up one day with some petechiae spots on my chest, stomach, arms and legs. For a week i honestly nearly drove myself insane with worry, i was on the verge of a complete breakdown because i had convinced myself i had leukemia. I went to three doctors who all said it was nothing, until one day i went to my usual GP in that much of a state he had to send me for a blood test to ease my mind. Over the weekend whilst waiting for the results was the worst, i was in a constant state of panic. Thank god my blood test came back completely normal, so since then i've tried to ignore the petechiae, it is still there and the doctor has no explanation as to why its there, but hes not concerned so i just have to try and trust him.

Ask your doctor for a blood test, it will put your mind at rest, dont do what i did and almost send yourself completely insane because of it.

Purple Blood
09-09-18, 10:54
I had blood tests done back in May,everything was normal.
I'm feeling a little better,the first spot has faded away almost completely,the rest are fading too(I keep taking pictures of them,I'm a lunatic)
I feel so stupid for getting upset over 4 spots